Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. 2012, 3 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні 2012. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Редколегія.
- Contents.
- Gun’ko V. M., Krupska T. V., Barvinchenko V. M., Turov V. V. The behaviour of intracellular water in yeast cells affected by organic solvents. - C. 359-374.
- Belyakova L. A., Shvets O. M., Lyashenko D. Yu. New nanoporous β-cyclodextrin-containing silicas for sorption of heavy metal nitrates. - C. 375-385.
- Nazarkovsky M. A., Goncharuk E. V., Pakhlov E. M., Skwarek E., Skubiszewska-Zięba J., Leboda R., Janusz W., Gun’ko V. M. Effect of doping with copper (II) and nickel (II) oxides on morphological properties of silica/titania nanocomposites. - C. 386-394.
- Inshina E. I., Shistka D. V., Telbiz G. M., Brei V. V. Hammett acidity function for mixed ZrO2 – SiO2 oxide at elevated temperatures. - C. 395-400.
- Patrylak K. I., Patrylak L. K., Konovalov S. V., Ivanenko V. V., Okhrimenko M. V., Voloshyna Yu. G. Driving forces of coke alternate dynamics in zeolite deactivated. - C. 401-404.
- Fomina E. S. Quantum chemical analysis of thermodynamic parameters of α-hydroxy acid dimerization at the air/water interface. - C. 405-418.
- Dadashev A. D., Tertykh V. A., Yanovska E. S., Yanova K. V. Ion-exchange properties of modified silica with bound amides of polyhexamethyleneguanidine and maleic or o-phthalic acids. - C. 419-428.
- Filippov A. P., Strizhak P. E., Vlasenko N. V., Kochkin Yu. N., Serebrii T. G. Investigation of adsorption dynamics of volatile compounds on fine-dispersed adsorbents with a pulsing mode by quartz crystal microbalance method. - C. 429-438.
- Yanovska E. S., Ryabchenko K. V., Tertykh V. A., Kichkiruk O. Yu. Complexing properties of silica gel‑polyaniline composites with grafted heterocyclic azo reagents. - C. 439-447.
- Laguta I. V. Antioxidant properties of Zn(II) and Fe(III) complexes with flavonols. - C. 448-454.
- Rakytskaya T. L., Kiose T. A., Truba A. S., Ennan A. A., Dlubovskiy R. M., Volkova V. YA. Adsorption of water vapour by natural and chemically modified clinoptilolite and mordenite samples. - C. 455-462.
- Kovtun G. I., Khil’ko S. L. pH Influence on adsorption behavior, surface dilational rheology and foam stability of mixed sodium humates / cetyltrimethylammonium bromide solutions. - C. 463-472.
- Kazakova O. O. Stabilization of the adsorption complexes of biomolecules on the surface of partially hydrophobized silica in an aqueous medium: a quantum chemical study. - C. 473-478.
- Kaczorowski P., Maniecki T. P., Szynkowska I., Rogowski J. Alkali doped (Na, K) Cu/Cr2O3:Al2O3 catalysts for water gas shift reaction. - C. 479-489.
- Kaczorowski P., Maniecki T.P. The Pd/Cu–Cr2O3–Al2O3 catalysts in methanol synthesis reaction. - C. 490-495.
- Kutarov V. V., Tarasevich Yu. I., Aksenenko E. V. Application of scaling theory to description of adsorption hysteresis in open slit-like micropores. - C. 496-502.