Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics. 2013, 3 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics 2013. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Table of Contents.
- Pilyugin L. S. Abundance determinations in extragalactic H II regions. - C. 3-11.
- Agapitov O. V., Cheremnykh O. K. Magnetospheric ULF waves driven by external sources. - C. 12-19.
- Ghazaryan S. On the question of detecting granulation signal in A and B star's CoRoT light curves. - C. 20-22.
- Ilkiewicz K., Wychudzki P., Galan C., Gladkowski M., Dobierski P., Karska A., Wiecek M., Tomov T., Mikolajewski M. Photometric observations of Epsilon Aurigae during the eclipse of 2009-2011. - C. 23-28.
- Kushniruk I. O., PavlenkoYa. V., Kaminskiy B. M. MgH lines in the spectrum of Arcturus. - C. 29-31.
- Chkheidze N., Babyk Iu. Nonthermal emission model of isolated X-ray pulsar RX J0420.0-5022. - C. 32-37.
- Joveini R., Sotoudeh S., Roozrokh A., Taheri M. Using THELI pipeline in order to reduce Abell 226 multi-band optical images. - C. 38-41.
- Kuzmicz A., Jamrozy M. Central black holes in giant radio quasars. - C. 42-45.
- Bovchaliuk V., Bovchaliuk A., Milinevsky G., Danylevsky V., Sosonkin M., Goloub Ph. Aerosol Microtops II sunphotometer observations over Ukraine. - C. 46-52.
- Saliuk D. A., Agapitov O. V. Vortex and ULF wave structures in the plasma sheet of the Earth magnetosphere. - C. 53-57.
- Cheremnykh S. O., Parnowski A. S. Damping of magnetospheric toroidal Alfven eigenmodes due to phase mixing. - C. 58-62.
- Zhaborovskyy V. P., Pap V. O., Medvedsky M. M., Choliy V.Ya. Telescope inaccuracy model based upon satellite laser ranging data. - C. 63-65.
- Choliy V. Ya. The discrete dipole approximation code DDscat.C++: features, limitations and plans. - C. 66-70.