Економічний вісник Донбасу. 2013 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Економічний вісник Донбасу 2013. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Rozmainsky I. V. Beyond Dualism Between Determinism and Voluntarism in Dynamic Economics, or Essay on the "Paradox of History-creating Decision”. - C. 5-10.
- Rudenko L. V., Steshenko P. O. Socio-Economic Inequality in Modern Society. - C. 11-14.
- Buzni A. M. A New Approach to Human Society Development in Global World. - C. 15-17.
- Potyomkina N. O., Voshchyna E. S., Breiman M. M. Current Approaches to Country Risk Analysis. - C. 18-22.
- Kirnos I. O., Lukashenko T. M. The Influence of EU Enlargement on EURO. - C. 23-27.
- Zakotniuk O. L. Development of Information Resources in Regional Aspect (Donetsk Region Case Study). - C. 28-32.
- Lymar V. V. The Integration Interests of Ukraine: the European Union or Customs Union. - C. 33-39.
- Kravchuk N. Global Development Divergence and Contemporary Gravitational Processes in Geo-economic Space. - C. 40-49.
- Melnyk М. I. Strategy of Development of Socially Oriented Business Environment of Lviv. - C. 50-55.
- Spornyak S. O., Volvak Yu. S. Proportionality’s Analysis of Regional Development. - C. 56-60.
- Shabalina L. V., Chumak A. E. The Estimate of Ukraine’s Position on the International Tourist Market. - C. 61-66.
- Kudrina O. Yu. Stages of Industry Formation in the Eastern Regions of Ukraine. - C. 67-70.
- Oleynikov A. A., Kefer A. S. Benefits and Risks of Ukraine’s Accession into the European Union: Macroeconomic Aspects. - C. 71-74.
- Lyashenko V. I., Zhykhareva Yu. I., Vyshnevskyy O. S. Expediency of Application of the Regional and Municipal (Communal) Wealth Indicators at the Generation of the Regional and Urban Development Strategies. - C. 75-80.
- Khomenko Ya. V., Molchanov O. I., Sheyka K. S. A Practical Approach for Quantifying Country Risk on the Ukrainian Stock Market. - C. 81-85.
- Parfonova L. G., Bikinina A. O. Pension Funds: Investment Risk Management. - C. 86-90.
- Zukhba D. S., Shpynova K. V. Credit Market Liberalization Reform Outcomes. - C. 91-95.
- Malyshko A. V., German K. A. Main Financial Regulators: Comparative Analysis of Federal Reserve and Euro System. - C. 96-99.
- Zhamoida O. A., Arnoldova A. A. The Impact of Tax Policy on Investment Climate in Ukraine. - C. 100-103.
- Kostenok I. V., Vysotskyi A. Ye., Popovich G. S. Place of Ukraine on the World Steel Market. - C. 104-111.
- Pavlysh E. V., Poklonskyy S. K. Clusters and Cluster Policy in Ukraine. - C. 112-116.
- Curbatov O. Yu. The "Knowledge Marketing”: a New Trend in a Management Science World. - C. 117-125.
- Kucheruk T. G., Arkhypov M. V., Burlachenko G. O. Consumer Decision Making on the Web. - C. 126-131.
- Dotsenko G. V., Tsysaruk S. S. Branding in Global Marketing Management. - C. 132-134.
- Pushak Ya. Ya., Zhyvko Z. B. Competitive Intelligence and Counter-intelligence: Adjacent Plane of Security of the Enterprise. - C. 135-139.
- Prischepa N. P., Putintsev A. V. Marketing Programs Improvement and Sales Stimulation at the Enterprise. - C. 140-145.
- Kovalyov A. V. Theoretical Basis of Outsourcing. - C. 146-149.
- Rodina O. G., Batula V. F. Shadow Economy: State of the Art. - C. 150-152.
- Reznikova O. S., Grodzynskyi I. E. International Management: Management Without Borders. - C. 153-155.
- Bayura D. O., Romanyuk V. M. The Corporate Governance Systems Transformation During the Financial Crisis. - C. 156-159.
- Dyachenko V. S. Factors of Formation of Economic Stability of Agricultural Enterprises. - C. 160-164.
- Firsova S. N. Determining Controlling Functions in the Enterprise Management Activity. - C. 165-169.
- Drachuk Yu. Z., Trushkina N. V. Forming the Institutional Environment for Innovation-Based Development of Coal Enterprises. - C. 170-175.
- Okaryachenko A. P. Energy Consumption in Ukraine. - C. 176-180.
- Nadraga V. I. Social Risks of the Coal Industry Restructuring in Ukraine. - C. 181-184.
- Pozhu0va T. O. Economical Safety Issue Research. - C. 185-188.
- Kostenko N. V. Model of Country’s Geo-economic Position Identification in Terms of International Integration. - C. 189-195.
- Saienko O. O. Upgrading the Institutional Structure Managing the Development of a Comprehensive Strategy for Socio-economic Development and its Implementation. - C. 196-198.
- Vakarchuk T. S. "Human Potential” and "Human Capital”: Similarities and Differences. - C. 199-203.
- Klyaus D. P. Model of Country’s Geo-economic Position Identification in Terms of International Integration. - C. 204-208.
- Buntovskaya L. L. The Role of Social Partnership in the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations in Ukraine. - C. 209-214.