Algebra and discrete mathematics. 2013, 16 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Algebra and discrete mathematics 2013. Вип. 2 |
- Title Page.
- Contents.
- Editorial board. - C. A.
- Instructions for authors. - C. B.
- Babych M., Bondarenko V. M., Drozd Yu., Kirichenko V., Shapochka I. Petro Mykhailovych Gudivok. - C. 151-159.
- Bekh-Ochir C., Rankin S. A. A maximal T-space of F3. - C. 0.
- Bondarenko V. M., Bortos M. Yu., Dinis R. F., Tylyshchak A. A. Reducibility and irreducibility of monomial matrices over commutative rings. - C. 171-187.
- Gnatiuk O., Golovaschuk N. Differential graded categories associated with the critical semi-definite quadratic forms. - C. 188-200.
- Kukharev A., Puninski G. Serial group rings of finite groups. p-solvability. - C. 201-216.
- Kurdachenko L. A., Sadovnichenko A. V. On some linear groups, having a big family of G-invariant subspaces. - C. 217-225.
- Maturin Yu. Form of filters of semisimple modules and direct sums. - C. 226-232.
- Monakhov V. S., Gritsuk D. V. On derived π-length of a finite π-solvable group with supersolvable π-Hall subgroup. - C. 233-241.
- Polak A., Simson D. Algorithms computing O(n, Z)-orbits of P-critical edge-bipartite graphs and P-critical unit forms using Maple and C#. - C. 242-286.
- Shahryari M. Relative symmetric polynomials and money change problem. - C. 287-292.
- TalebiA . A., Mehdipoor N. Classifying cubic s-regular graphs of orders 22p and 22p2. - C. 293-298.
- Zhuchok A. V. Free n-nilpotent dimonoids. - C. 299-310.