Biopolymers and cell. 2013, 29 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Biopolymers and cell 2013. Вип. 2 |
- Title, contents.
- Швед А. Д. Сколько нужно стволовых клеток? (Проблема банкирования пуповинной крови). - C. 85-98.
- Iatsyshyna A. P. MGMT expression: insights into its regulation. 1. Epigenetic factors. - C. 99-106.
- Marunych R. Yu. Regulation of hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase genes expression at norm and pathology. - C. 107-116.
- Malanchuk O. M., Ovcharenko G. V., Tykhonkova I. O., Khoma O. S., Chorna U. V., Rubak M. P., Palchevskyy S. S. Generation of monoclonal antibody against protein phosphatase 5. - C. 136-142.
- Starykovych M. O., Stoika R. S., Kit Yu. Ya. Mitotic activity of anti-histone H1 sIgA-antibodies from milk of healthy mothers. - C. 117-123.
- Palchevska O. L., Balatskii V. V., Andrejeva A. O., Macewicz L. L., Piven O. O., Lukash L. L. Embryonically induced β-catenin haploinsufficiency attenuates postnatal heart development and causes violation of foetal genes program. - C. 124-130.
- Dergai O. V., Dergai M. V., Gudkova D. O., Tsyba L. O., Skrypkina I. Ya., Rynditch A. V. Interaction of ubiquitin ligase CBL with LMP2A protein of Epstein-Barr virus occurs via PTB domain of CBL and does not depend on adaptor ITSN1. - C. 131-135.
- Leibenko L. V., Polischuk V. P., Mironenko A. P. Phylogenetic analysis of influenza A(H1N1)pdm viruses isolated in Ukraine during the 2009–2010 pandemic season. - C. 143-149.
- Пальчиковська Л. Г., Васильченко О. В., Платонов М. О., Старосила Д. Б., Порва Ю. І., Римар С. Ю., Атаманюк В. П., Самійленко С. П., Рибалко С. Л. Антивірусні властивості рослинних флавоноїдів – інгібіторів синтезу ДНК і РНК. - C. 150-156.
- Pashynska V. A., Kosevich M. V., Gomory A., Vekey K. Model mass spectrometric study of competitive interactions of antimicrobial bisquaternary ammonium drugs and aspirin with membrane phospholipids. - C. 157-162.
- Kvasko O. Yu., Matvieieva N. A. Increasing of antioxidant and superoxide dismutase activity in chicory transgenic plants. - C. 163-166.