Biopolymers and cell. 2013, 29 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Biopolymers and cell 2013. Вип. 3 |
- Title, contents.
- 40 Years of Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. - C. 168.
- Negrutska V. V., Dubey L. V., Ilchenko M. M., Dubey I. Ya. Design and study of telomerase inhibitors based on G-quadruplex ligands. - C. 169-176.
- El'skaya A. V., Negrutskii B. S., Shalak V. F., Vislovukh A. A., Vlasenko D. O., Novosylna A. V., Lukash T. O., Veremieva M. V. Specific features of protein biosynthesis in higher eukaryotes. - C. 177-187.
- Soldatkin A. P., Dzyadevych S. V., Korpan Y. I., Sergeyeva T. A., Arkhypova V. N., Biloivan O. A., Soldatkin O. O., Shkotova L. V., Zinchenko O. A., Peshkova V. M. Biosensors. A quarter of a century of R&D experience. - C. 188-206.
- Filonenko V. V. PI3K/mTOR/S6K signaling pathway – new players and new functional links. - C. 207-214.
- Gordiyuk V. V., Kondratov A. G., Gerashchenko G. V., Kashuba V. I. Novel epigenetic markers of early epithelial tumor growth and prognosis. - C. 215-220.
- Dmitrenko V. V., Avdieiev S. S., Areshkov P. O., Balynska O. V., Bukreieva T. V., Stepanenko A. A., Chausovskii T. I., Kavsan V. M. From reverse transcription to human brain tumors. - C. 221-233.
- Kozyrovska N. O. Crosstalk between endophytes and a plant host within information-processing networks. - C. 234-243.
- Tsyba L. O., Dergai M. V., Skrypkina I. Ya., Nikolaienko O. V., Dergai O. V., Kropyvko S. V., Novokhatska O. V., Morderer D. Ye., Gryaznova T. A., Gubar O. S. ITSN protein family: regulation of diversity, role in signalling and pathology. - C. 244-251.