Biopolymers and cell. 2014, 30 (5) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Biopolymers and cell 2014. Вип. 5 |
- Title, contents.
- Germini D., Arcangeletti M. C. Relationship between TLR4 signalling alterations and effective human cytomegalovirus infection. - C. 329-334.
- Sheval E. V., Musinova Y. R. Structural plasticity of the nuclear envelope and the endoplasmic reticulum. - C. 335-342.
- Massaad-Massade L. Relevance of targeting RET/PTC junction oncogene and Wnt/β-catenin pathway in the treatment of papillary thyroid carcinoma: skill of 8-year work. - C. 343-348.
- Slyvka A. V., Okunev O. V. Molecular mechanisms of versatile biological activity of interleukin-7. - C. 349-357.
- Valishkevych B. V. Sensitivity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae defective in TOR signaling pathway to carbonyl/oxidative stress. - C. 358-364.
- Dranitsina A. S., Savko U. V., Dvorshchenko K. O., Ostapchenko L. I. Expression of Gast, Cckbr, Reg1α genes in rat duodenal epithelial cells upon long-term gastric hypoacidity and after a multiprobiotic administration. - C. 365-371.
- Prylutska S. V., Didenko G. V., Potebnya G. P., Bogutska K. I., Prylutskyy Yu. I., Ritter U., Scharff P. Toxic effect of C 60 fullerene-doxorubicin complex towards tumor and normal cells in vitro. - C. 372-376.
- Paramonova N., Wu L. Shi-Shin, Rumba-Rozenfelde I., Wang J. -Y., Sjakste N., Sjakste T. Genetic variants in the PSMA6 , PSMC6 and PSMA3 genes associated with childhood asthma in Latvian and Taiwanese populations. - C. 377-387.
- Trofimova N. S., Olkhovich N. V., Gorovenko N. G. Specificities of Sanfilippo A syndrome laboratory diagnostics. - C. 388-393.
- Sukach A. N., Shevchenko M. V., Liashenko T. D. Comparative study on influence of fetal bovine serum and serum of adult rat on cultivation of newborn rat neural cells. - C. 394-399.
- Kucherenko A. M., Pampukha V. M., Livshits L. A. Study on the IFNL4 gene ss469415590 variant in Ukrainian population. - C. 400-402.
- Grytsay V. I., Musatenko I. V. Self-organization and chaos in the metabolism of a cell. - C. 403-409.
- In memoriam: Yuriy M. Sivolap (1939–2014). - C. 410.