Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. 2014, 5 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні 2014. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Gun'ko V. M., Turov V. V., Zarko V. I., Goncharuk O. V., Remez O. S., Leboda R., Skubiszewska-Zięba J. Interfacial behavior of low- and high-molecular weight compounds vs. temperature and confinement effects. - C. 361-385.
- Belyakova L. A., Lyashenko D. Yu., Dzyubenko L. S., Shvets O. M. Nanoporous β-cyclodextrin-containing silicas: synthesis, structure and properties. - C. 386-395.
- Rakitskaya T. L., Ennan А. A., Truba A. S., Kiro S. A., Volkova V. Y. Physicochemical and catalytic properties of the solid component of welding aerosol. - C. 396-403.
- Roik N. V., Belyakova L. A., Dziazko M. O., Oranska O. I. Decoration of MCM 41 pore entrances with amino containing groups for рH controlled release of para aminobenzoic acid. - C. 404-414.
- Pylypchuk Ie. V., Petranovska A. L., Oranska O. I., Gorbyk P. P. Biomimetic hydroxyapatite formation on titanium surface in simulated body fluids of different chemical composition. - C. 415-420.
- Nazarkovsky M. A., Gun’ko V. M., Wójcik G., Czech B., Sobieszek A., Skubiszewska-Zięba J., Janusz W., Skwarek E. Band-gap change and photocatalytic activity of silica/titania composites associated with incorporation of CuO and NiO. - C. 421-437.
- Galysh V. V., Kartel M. T. Modification of cellulose and lignocellulose materials with nanoсlusters of copper ferrocyanides. - C. 438-444.
- Budnyak T. M., Tertykh V. A., Yanovska E. S. Chitosan immobilized on saponite surface in extraction of V(V), Mo(VI), and Cr(VI) oxoanions. - C. 445-453.
- Oranska O. I., Gornikov Yu. I., Brichka A. V., Brichka S. Ya. Thermal analysis, phase and morphological transformations in the composites aluminosilicate nanotubes/acetates of Ni, Cu, Zn. - C. 454-460.
- Gavrylyuk O. O. Theoretical study on laser annealing of non-stoichiometric SiOX films. - C. 461-466.
- Severinovskaya O. V., Mischanchuk A. V., Trush V. A., Prytula A. Yu., Amirkhanov V. M., Pokrovskiy V. A. Laser desorption/ionization (LDI MS) and thermoprogrammed desorption mass spectrometry (TPD MS) of europium(III) coordination compound with N-|bis|methyl(phenyl)amino| phosphoryl|-benzenesulfoneamide. - C. 467-472.
- Demianenko E. M., Grebenyuk A. G., Lobanov V. V., Tertykh V. A., Protsak I. S., Bolbukh Yu. M., Kozakevych R. B. Quantum chemical study on interaction of dimethyl carbonate with polydimethylsiloxane. - C. 473-479.
- Zheplynskyy T. B., Serkiz O. K. Surface properties of float glass after various types of heat treatment. - C. 480-482.