Control systems & computers. 2011 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Control systems & computers 2011. Вип. 2 |
- Титул, содержание.
- Preface. - C. 3.
- Favier A., de Givry S., Jegou P. Solution Counting for CSP and SAT with Large Tree-Width. - C. 4-13, 70.
- Flach B., Schlesinger D. Modelling Distributed Priors by Gibbs Random Fields of Second Order. - C. 14-24.
- Franc V., Laskov P. Learning Maximal Margin Markov Networks via Tractable Convex Optimization. - C. 25-34.
- Kovtun I. Sufficient Condition for Partial Optimality for (max, +)-Labeling Problems and its Usage. - C. 35-42.
- Lellmann J., Schnoerr C. Regularizers for Vector-Valued Data and Labeling Problems in Image Processing. - C. 43-54.
- Schlesinger M., Antoniuk K., Vodolazskii Ye. Optimal Labelling Problems, their Relaxation and Equivalent Transformations. - C. 55-70.
- Shekhovtsov А., Hlavac V. On Partial Optimality by Auxiliary Submodular Problems. - C. 71-78, 93.
- Tyshchenko M. 3D Reconstruction of Human Face Based on Single or Several Images. - C. 79-85.
- Werner T. How to Compute a Primal Solution From Dual One in LP Relaxation of MAP Inference in MPF?. - C. 86-93.
- Наши авторы. - C. 96.