Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. 2015, 6 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні 2015. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Starukh G. M. Study of tetracycline adsorption by Zn-Al mixed oxides and layered double hydroxides. - C. 169-178.
- Petrik I. S., Krylova G. V., Kelyp О. O., Lutsenko L. V., Smirnova N. P., Oleksenko L. P. XPS and TPR study of sol-gel derived M/TiO2 powders (M=Co, Cu, Mn, Ni). - C. 179-189.
- Lesnichaya T. V., Terikovskaya T. E., Kosilov V. V., Kirillov S. A. Synthesis, morphology and electrochemical properties of TiO2 microspheres. - C. 190-195.
- Rakitskaya T. L., Kiose T. A., Oleksenko L. P., Djiga A. M., Volkova V. Y. Thermochemical and catalytic properties of modified bentonites. - C. 196-202.
- Shestopal N. А., Linnik O. Р., Smirnova N. Р. Influence of metal and non-metal ions doping on the structural and photocatalytic properties of titania films. - C. 203-210.
- Grebenyuk A.G., Kaurkovskaya V.N., Lobanov V.V. Theoretical study on the pressure-induced phase transition in vanadium dioxide. - C. 211-215.
- Tishchenko I. Yu., Ilchenko O. O., Kuzema P. O. TGA-DSC-MS analysis of silicon carbide and of its carbon-silica precursor. - C. 216-223.
- Smirnova O. V., Grebenyuk A. G., Nazarchuk G. I., Zub Yu. L. Thione-thiol tautomerism of thiourea ligands on silica surface. - C. 224-233.
- Prokopenko S. L., Gunja G. M., Makhno S. N., Gorbyk P. P. Electrophysical properties of heterostructures CuS/ZnS and PCTFE–CuS/ZnS system. - C. 234-238.
- Dubrovin I. V., Gorbik P. P., Kashin G. N. Template synthesis of nanostructured zinc oxide. - C. 239-243.
- Turov V. V., Krupska T. V., Tsapko M. D., Gun'ko V. M. Temperature behavior of water and n-decane bound to nanosilica or poly(methylsiloxane). - C. 244-255.
- Al-Imam M. M., Sulaiman S. T. Square-wave voltammetric trace determination of aminophylline in urine – application for pharmaceutical formulation. - C. 256-262.
- Filonenko O. V., Kuts V. S., Terebinska M. I., Lobanov V. V. Quantumchemical calculation of 29Si NMR spectrum of silicon dioxide fullerene-like molecules. - C. 263-268.