Experimental oncology. 2015, 37 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Experimental oncology 2015. Вип. 2 |
- Title, contents.
- Bilynsky B. T., Dzhus M. B., Litvinyak R. I. The conceptual and clinical problems of paraneoplastic syndrome in oncology and internal medicine. - C. 82-88.
- Gluzman D. F., Sklyarenko L. M., Zavelevich M. P., Koval S. V., Ivanivska T. S., Rodionova N. K. Overview on association of different types of leukemias with radiation exposure. - C. 89-93.
- Saitoh Y., Yoshimoto T., Kato S., Miwa N. Synergic carcinostatic effects of ascorbic acid and hyperthermia on Ehrlich ascites tumor cell. - C. 94-99.
- Reznikov A. G., Salivonyk O. A., Sotkis A. G., Shuba Y. M. Assessment of gold nanoparticle effect on prostate cancer LNCaP cells. - C. 100-104.
- Rudenko E., Kondratov O., Gerashchenko G., Lapska Y., Kravchenko S., Koliada O., Vozianov S., Zgonnyk Y., Kashuba V. Aberrant expression of selenium-containing glutathione peroxidases in clear cell renal cell carcinomas. - C. 105-110.
- Inomistova M. V., Svergun N. M., Khranovska N. M., Skachkova O. V., Gorbach O. I., Klymnyuk G. I. Prognostic significance of MDM2 gene expression in childhood neuroblastoma. - C. 111-115.
- Kochubei T. O., Maksymchuk O. V., Piven O. O., Lukash L. L. Isolectins of phytohemagglutinin are able to induce apoptosis in HEP-2 carcinoma cells in vitro. - C. 116-119.
- Chekhun V. F., Mokhir A., Daum S., Todor I. N., Lukianova N. Yu., Shvets Yu. V., Burlaka A. P. Pharmacological effect of aminoferrocene in mice with L1210 leukemia. - C. 120-125.
- Kolesnik D. L., Pyaskovskaya O. N., Boychuk I. V., Dasyukevich O. I., Melnikov O. R., Tarasov A. S., Solyanik G. I. Effect of dichloroacetate on Lewis lung carcinoma growth and metastasis. - C. 126-129.
- Fedosova N. I., Voeykova I. M., Karaman O. M., Symchych T. V., Didenko G. V., Lisovenko G. S., Evstratieva L. M., Potebnya G. P. Cytotoxic activity of immune cells following administration of xenogeneic cancer vaccine in mice with melanoma B-16. - C. 130-134.
- Shevchuk O. O., Posokhova K. A., Todor I. N., Lukianova N. Yu., Nikolaev V. G., Chekhun V. F. Prevention of myelosuppression by combined treatment with enterosorbent and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. - C. 135-138.
- Bakay O. A., Golovko T. S. Use of elastography for cervical cancer diagnostics. - C. 139-145.
- Zekri J., Mokhtar M., Karim S. M., Darwish T., Al-Foheidi M., Rizvi A., Al-Rehaily S., Mahrous M., Mansour M. Lapatinib-based therapy for women with advanced/metastatic HER2 positive breast cancer. - C. 146-150.
- Samoilenko О. А., Milinevska O. A., Karnaushenko O. V., Shlyakhovenko V. A., Zaletok S. P. Effect of polyamine metabolism inhibitors on Lewis lung carcinoma growth and metastasis. - C. 151-153.
- Plonis J., Nakazawa-Miklasevica M., Malevskis A., Vaganovs P., Pildava S., Vjaters E., Gardovskis J., Miklasevics E. Survival rates of familial and sporadic prostate cancer patients. - C. 154-155.
- Zinovkin D. A., Aliaksinski V. S., Hryb A. K., Dedik S. Yu. Paraganglioma-like dermal melanocytic tumor: a rare skin lesion. - C. 156-157.
- Valentyn Leonidovych Ganul. - C. 158.
- Sergiy Petrovych Osinsky (1945–2015). - C. 159-160.