Економічний вісник Донбасу. 2014 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Економічний вісник Донбасу 2014. Вип. 4 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Rozmainsky I. V. "Reverse Gradualism", Investment Collapse and Monetary Degradation in Russia in the 1990s. - C. 5-11.
- Коlоsоv A. M. Adaptive Organization – Management Tool in Variable Environment. - C. 12-19.
- Zhykhareva Yu. I., Кotov E. V. Formation of Methodological Support Assessment of Neoindustrial Modernization. - C. 20-26.
- Khomenko Y. V., Khomenko I. A. New Concept of Sustainability and Scandinavian Countries’ Sustainable Development Policy. - C. 27-33.
- Olentsevych N. V., Kovalyova O. V. World Experience of the Public-private Partnership and Challenges of its implementing in Ukraine. - C. 34-39.
- Коtоv E. V., Lyashenko V. I., Tesnovskiy P. V. Preconditions of Strategic Development of Small Mining Town (Case Dobropillya Subregion). - C. 40-52.
- Aleksandrov I. О., Kravets О. О. The Choice of an Attractive Investment Option the Environmental Project. - C. 53-58.
- Lyakh O. V. Development of Social Enterprises as Way of Mitigating the Social Situation in the Donbass. - C. 59-66.
- Vishnevsky O. S. The Clash of Capitals: Ukraine as Victim National and Global Processes. - C. 67-72.
- Tulku Y. I. Small Innovative Enterprises in Ukraine and Europe: Tendencies, Problems, and Incentive Tools for Their Development. - C. 73-78.
- Kuznetsova D. V. Growing Points of Southern California. - C. 79-84.
- Nadraga V. I. The Social Insurance in the System of the Social Risks Regulation. - C. 85-91.
- Medentseva M. M. Dependence of the Ukrainian Economy on Foreign Capital. - C. 92-96.
- Malyshko A. V., Parparov D. Y. Searching for Financial Bubble in the Private Space Sector. - C. 97-101.
- Angelov G. Options for Modelling the Financial Viability of Sofix Companies in the Post-crisis Years. - C. 102-108.
- Marinov I. The Quality of Lending Activity in Bulgaria. - C. 109-114.
- Pavlova M. Tax Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria for the Period 2007-2013. - C. 115-120.
- Pavlov. Ts. L. Dividend Puzzle on Bulgarian Stock Exchange – Opportunity for аn Abnormal Risk-adjusted Returns. - C. 121-125.
- Pavlenko I. I. Modeling of Investment Attractiveness of Energy Enterprises of Ukraine under Globalization (Coal Industry Case Study). - C. 126-131.
- Jordanova E. Importance of the Code of Ethics in the Organization. - C. 132-135.
- Maksymenko І. О., Uzun M. V. Motivational Aspect of Organizational Culture in the Quality Management System at the Enterprise. - C. 136-139.
- Drachuk Yu. Z., Rassuzhday L. M., Trushkina N. V. Conceptual Approaches to Forming a Strategy of Innovation-based Development of the Coal Industry. - C. 140-148.
- Zaloznova Yu. S. Coal Mining in Socioeconomic Aspect. - C. 149-152.
- Shinkaryuk О. V. Scientific Basic of Human Development State Administration in Ukraine. - C. 153-158.
- Shevchenko V. V., Inyakin V. M. The Optimization Model of Working Time Fund Allocation in the Theory of Marginal Utility. - C. 159-165.
- Kozinets A. Formation Motivational Mechanism of Labor Management for the Modern Enterprises. - C. 166-170.
- Rad N. S. Evolution of Social Protection: from Theoretical to Conceptual Pension System Models. - C. 171-177.
- Grinevskaya S. М. Tendencies of National Economy Socialization. - C. 178-183.