Journal of thermoelectricity. 2012 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of thermoelectricity 2012. Вип. 4 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Mykhalchenko V. P. Correlation between mechanical properties of diamond-like semiconductor compounds and lattice thermal conductivity. - C. 5-13.
- Gorsky P. V. Effect of charge ordering on the thermoEMF of layered crystals in a quantizing magnetic field. - C. 14-24.
- Rogacheva E. I., Nashchekina O. N., Ol’khovskaya S. I., Dresselhaus M. S. Size effects in thin PbSe films. - C. 25-32.
- Lavrentyev M. G. , Osvensky V. B., Mezhennyi M. V., Prostomolotov A. I., Bublik V. T., Tabachkova N. Yu. Experiment-calculated study on structure formation of thermoelectric material based on solid solutions of bismuth and antimony chalcogenides prepared by hot extrusion method. - C. 33-38.
- Krasutskaya N. S., Klyndyuk A. I. Effect of cobalt substitution on the microstructure and properties of Na0.9CoO2 based ceramics. - C. 39-44.
- Zhitinskaya M. K., Ispolov Yu. G., Nemov S., Muhtarova A. A., Svechnikova T. E. The quasilocal impurity states in the thermoelectric Bi2Te3-based compounds. - C. 45-52.
- Strutynska L. T. Vibration effect on the homogeneity of Вi2Те3 based thermoelectric materials grown by vertical zone melting technique. - C. 53-58.
- Anatychuk L. I., Kobylianskyi R. R. Research into the effect of thermoelectric heat meter on human heat release measurement. - C. 59-65.
- Mykhailovsky V. Ya., Bilinsky-Slotylo V. R. Thermoelectric staged modules of materials based on Bi2Te3-PbTe-TAGS. - C. 66-72.
- Anatychuk L. I., Kuz R. V., Hwang J. D. The energy and economic parameters of Bi-Te based thermoelectric generator modules for waste heat recovery. - C. 73-79.
- Anatychuk L. I., Prybyla A. V. The effect of heat exchange system on thermoelectric generator efficiency. - C. 80-85.
- Kuz R. V. Moving vehicle parameters monitoring system. - C. 86-90.
- Taschuk D. D. Optimization of temperature distribution in thermoelectric measuring transducer. - C. 91-94.
- Mykytyuk P. D. Thermoelectric power supply for security alarm systems. - C. 95-100.
- Gischuk V. S. Electronic recorder of signals from human heat flux sensors. - C. 101-104.
- Richard Buist (dedicated to 75th birthday). - C. 107.
- Murad Mamedovich Mamedov (dedicated to 75th birthday). - C. 108.
- Elena Ivanovna Rogacheva (dedicated to 75th birthday). - C. 109.