Experimental oncology. 2015, 37 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Experimental oncology 2015. Вип. 3 |
- Титул, зміст.
- Reznikov A. Hormonal impact on tumor growth and progression. - C. 162-172.
- Garifulin O. M., Kykot V. O., Gridina N. Y., Kiyamova R. G., Gout I. T., Filonenko V. V. Application of serex-analysis for identification of human colon cancer antigens. - C. 173-180.
- Chekhun V. F., Zalutskii I. V., Naleskina L. A., Lukianova N. Yu., Yalovenko T. M., Borikun T. V., Sobchenko S. O., Semak I. V., Lukashevich V. S. Modifying effects of lactoferrin in vitro on molecular phenotype of human breast cancer cells. - C. 181-186.
- Franskevych D. V., Prylutska S. V., Grynyuk I. I., Grebinyk D. M., Matyshevska O. P. Enhanced cytotoxicity of рhotoexcited fullerene C60 and cisplatin combination against drug-resistant leukemic cells. - C. 187-191.
- Pyaskovskaya O. N., Boychuk I. V., Fedorchuk A. G., Kolesnik D. L., Dasyukevich O. I., Solyanik G. I. Aconitine-containing agent enhances antitumor activity of dichloroacetate against Ehrlich carcinoma. - C. 192-196.
- Symchych T. V., Fedosova N. I., Karaman O. M., Yevstratieva L. M., Lisovenko H. S., Voyeykova I. M., Potebnia H. P. Anticancer effectiveness of vaccination based on xenogeneic embryo proteins applied in different schedules. - C. 197-202.
- Liubich L. D., Lisyany M. I. Anticancer efficacy of allogeneic vaccine modified with progenitor neural cells supernatant in rats with glioma 101.8. - C. 203-207.
- Sozucan Y., Kalender M. E., Sari I., Suner A., Oztuzcu S., Arman K., Yumrutas O., Bozgeyik I., Cengiz B., Igci Y. Z., Balakan O., Camci C. TRP genes family expression in colorectal cancer. - C. 208-212.
- Krupnova E. V., Shapetska M. N., Mikhalenko E. P., Chebotaryova N. V., Shchayuk A. N., Pissarchik S. N., Prokhorov A. V. Role of vascular endothelial growth factor in non-small cell lung cancer pathogenesis. - C. 213-217.
- Tastekin D., Erturk K., Bozbey H. U., Olmuscelik O., Kiziltan H., Tuna S., Tas F. Plasma homocysteine, folate and vitamin B12 levels in patients with lung cancer. - C. 218-222.
- Kemal Y., Teker F., Demirag G., Yucel I. Primary testicular lymphoma: a single centre experience. - C. 223-226.
- Lozynska M. R., Pospishil Y. O., Varyvoda O. Y., Plawski A., Pretsel O. O. Rare case of intraintestinal stromal tumors in the patient with familial adenomatous polyposis. - C. 227-230.
- Ates I., Yazici O., Ates H., Ozdemir N., Zengin N. Unusual metastases of lung cancer: bulbus oculi and maxillary sinus. - C. 231-232.