Фізика низьких температур. 2013, 39 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2013. Вип. 3 |
- Титул.
- Содержание.
- Найдюк Ю. Г. Игорь Кондратьевич Янсон (1938–2011) К 75-летию со дня рождения. - C. 247-248.
- Tartaglini E., Verhagen T. G. A., Galli F., Trouwborst M. L., Müller R., Shiota T., Aarts J., van Ruitenbeek J. M. New directions in point-contact spectroscopy based on scanning tunneling microscopy techniques. - C. 249-260.
- Daghero D., Tortello M., Pecchio P., Stepanov V. A., Gonnelli R. S. Point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy in anisotropic superconductors: the importance of directionality. - C. 261-275.
- Krivoruchko V. N., D’yachenko A. I., Tarenkov V. Yu. Point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy of doped manganites: Charge carrier spin-polarization and proximity effects. - C. 276-292.
- Beyer R., Wosnitza J. Emerging evidence for FFLO states in layered organic superconductors. - C. 293-300.
- Gabovich A. M., Voitenko A. I. Charge density waves in d-wave superconductors: thermodynamics and Josephson tunneling. - C. 301-319.
- Wang C., Seinige H., Tsoi M. Ferromagnetic resonance driven by an ac current: a brief review. - C. 320-325.
- Gloos K., Tuuli E. Andreev-reflection spectroscopy with superconducting indium - a case study. - C. 326-334.
- Scheer E., Böhler T., Edtbauer A., Egle S., Erbe A., Pietsch T. Switchable zero-bias anomaly in individual C60 molecules contacted with tunable aluminum electrodes. - C. 335-342.
- Ekino T., Sugimoto A., Gabovich A. M. Scanning-tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy and break-junction tunneling spectroscopy of FeSe1-xTex. - C. 343-353.
- Bouvron S., Stokmaier M., Marz M., Goll G. Andreev experiments on superconductor/ferromagnet point contacts. - C. 354-359.
- Yanson I. K., Balkashin O. P., Fisun V. V., Yanson Yu. I., Naidyuk Yu. G. Current-field diagram of magnetic states of a surface spin valve in a point contact with a single ferromagnetic film. - C. 360-366.
- Шкляревский О. И., Янсон И. К. Влияние холодной обработки металла на проводимость наноконтактов платины, меди и серебра. - C. 367-371.
- Allen J., Zagoskin A. M. Wigner function description of a qubit-oscillator system. - C. 372-377.
- Massarotti D., Longobardi L., Galletti L., Stornaiuolo D., Rotoli G., Tafuri F. Macroscopic quantum tunneling and retrapping processes in moderately damped YBaCuO Josephson junctions. - C. 378-383.
- Khotkevych N. V., Kolesnichenko Yu. A., van Ruitenbeek J. M. Electron tunneling into surface states through an inhomogeneous barrier: asymptotically exact solution of the problem and STM theory. - C. 384-389.
- Yanson Yu. I., Yanson A. I. Cathodic corrosion: Part 1. Mechanism of corrosion via formation of metal anions in aqueous medium. - C. 390-398.
- Yanson A. I., Yanson Yu. I. Cathodic corrosion: Part 2. Properties of nanoparticles synthesized by cathodic corrosion. - C. 399-405.