Фізика низьких температур. 2015, 41 (5) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2015. Вип. 5 |
- Титул.
- Содержание.
- Вступление. - C. 415-416.
- Kordyuk A. A. Pseudogap from ARPES experiment: three gaps in cuprates and topological superconductivity (Review Article). - C. 417-444.
- Gusynin V. P., Sharapov S. G., Varlamov A. A. Spin Nernst effect and intrinsic magnetization in two-dimensional Dirac materials. - C. 445-456.
- Prokopenko O. V., Slavin A. N. Microwave detectors based on the spin-torque diode effect. - C. 457-465.
- Pylypovskyi O. V., Sheka D. D., Kravchuk V. P., Gaididei Y. Vortex polarity switching in magnets with surface anisotropy. - C. 466-481.
- Grigorishin K. V., Lev B. I. Toy model of superconductivity. - C. 482-485.
- Барьяхтар В. Г., Данилевич А. Г. Эффект Хиггса и магнитоупругая щель в ферромагнетиках. - C. 486-489.
- Галкина Е. Г., Иванов Б. А., Космачев О. А., Фридман Ю. А. Двумерные солитоны в нематичеcкой фазе магнетиков. - C. 490-500.
- Skrypnyk Y. V. Electronic spectrum of atomic chain with Fano-Anderson impurities. - C. 501-507.
- Abdelsalam H., Espinosa-Ortega T., Luk’yanchuk I. Electronic and magnetic properties of graphite quantum dots. - C. 508-513.
- Moskalenko V. A., Dohotaru L. A., Digor D. F. The theory of nonequilibrium Anderson impurity model for strongly correlated electron systems. - C. 514-519.
- Miransky V. A. Conformal phase transition: QCD like theories with a large number of fermion flavors and all that. - C. 520-525.