Фізика низьких температур. 2011, 37 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2011. Вип. 1 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- To the 100th birthday anniversary of David Shoenberg. - C. 3-4.
- Rowley S. E., Smith R. P., Marcano N., Dean M. P. M., Kusmartseva A., Spalek L. J., O'Farrell E. C. T., Tompsett D. A., Sutherland M. L., Alireza P. L., Ko C., Liu C., Pugh E., Saxena S. S., Lonzarich G. G. Novel metallic states at low temperatures. - C. 5-11.
- Pudalov V. M. David Shoenberg and the beauty of quantum oscillations. - C. 12-24.
- Егоров В. С., Песчанский В. Г., Степаненко Д. И. Диамагнитные домены и нелинейные электромагнитные волны в нормальных металлах. - C. 25-49.
- Kramer R. B. G., Egorov V. S., Gasparov V. A., Jansen A. G. M., Joss W. Condon domain phase diagram for silver. - C. 50-55.
- Luk’yanchuk I. A. De Haas–van Alphen effect in 2D systems: application to mono- and bilayer graphene. - C. 56-59.
- Kirichenko O. V., Peschansky V. G. Diamagnetism of layered organic conductors. - C. 60-63.
- Khotkevych N. V., Kolesnichenko Yu. A., van Ruitenbeek J. M. Quantum interference effects in a system of two tunnel point-contacts in the presence of single scatterer: simulation of a double-tip STM experiment. - C. 64-70.
- Гантмахер В. Ф. Локализованные сверхпроводящие пары. - C. 71-83.
- Kagan M. Yu., Valkov V. V. Anomalous resistivity and superconductivity in the two-band Hubbard model with one narrow band. - C. 84-99.
- Fedorchenko A. V., Grechnev G. E., Desnenko V. A., Panfilov A. S., Gnatchenko S. L., Tsurkan V. V., Deisenhofer J., Krug von N. H.-A., Loidl A., Chareev D. A., Volkova O. S., Vasiliev A. N. Magnetic and superconducting properties of FeSe1–xTex (x ≈ 0, 0.5, and 1.0). - C. 100-107.
- Monarkha Yu. P. Microwave-induced magnetooscillations and absolute negative conductivity in the multisubband two-dimensional electron system on liquid helium. - C. 108-111.