Фізика низьких температур. 2011, 37 (5) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2011. Вип. 5 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Preface. - C. 467-470.
- Nesvizhevsky V. V. Experiments with ultracold neutrons. - C. 471-476.
- Burmistrov S. N. On the spectrum of facet crystallization waves at the smooth 4He crystal surface. - C. 477-483.
- Li Z.-L., Bonifaci N., Denat A., Atrazhev V. M., Shakhatov V. A., von Haeften K. Atomic and molecular spectra emitted by normal liquid 4He excited by corona discharge. - C. 484-490.
- Eloranta J. Solvation of atomic fluorine in bulk superfluid 4He. - C. 491-493.
- Khrapak A. G., Schmidt W. F. Negative ions in liquid helium. - C. 494-499.
- Chikina I., Nazin S., Shikin V. Dynamic phenomena for charged clusters in cryogenic liquids. - C. 500-504.
- Nazin S., Shikin V. Transition conduction types of electrons in cryogenic media. - C. 505-508.
- Izotov A. N., Efimov V. B. Infrared light interaction with impurity gels in superfluid helium. - C. 509-511.
- Abdurakhimov L. V., Brazhnikov M. Yu., Remizov I. A., Levchenko A. A. Classical capillary turbulence on the surface of quantum liquid He-II. - C. 512-516.
- Nemirovskii S. K. Torsional oscillation of the vortex tangle. Possible applications to oscillations of solid 4He. - C. 517-522.
- Kondaurova L. P., Nemirovskii S. K. Numerical study of the diffusive-like decay of the vortex tangle without mutual friction. - C. 523-525.
- Korolyuk O. A. Thermal conductivity of molecular crystals of monoatomic alcohols: from methanol to butanol. - C. 526-530.
- Konstantinov V. A., Revyakin V. P., Sagan V. V. Isochoric thermal conductivity of solid n-alkanes: hexane C6H14. - C. 531-534.
- Bagatskii M. I., Sumarokov V. V., Dolbin A. V. A simple low-temperature adiabatic calorimeter for small samples. - C. 535-538.
- Erenburg A. I., Leont’eva A. V., Varyukhin V. N., Marinin G. A., Prokhorov A. Yu. The internal friction and phase transition of solid oxygen. - C. 539-542.
- Yakub L. N. Phase transition line of solid molecular nitrogen into CG-polymeric phase. - C. 543-546.
- Krainyukova N. V. On the role of distortion in the hcp vs fcc competition in rare-gas solids. - C. 547-550.
- Kokshenev V. B. Loosing thermodynamic stability in amorphous materials. - C. 551-557.
- Горбенко Е. Е., Жихарев И. В., Троицкая E. П., Чабаненко В. В., Кузовой Н. В. Ab initio расчеты трехчастичного взаимодействия в криокристаллах под давлением. - C. 558-563.