Проблемы прочности. 2013 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Проблемы прочности 2013. Вип. 6 |
- Титул.
- Содержание.
- Torabi A. R., Bertoh F. Fracture Assessment of Blunt V-Notched Graphite Specimens by Means of the Strain Energy Density. - C. 5-21.
- Hariri-Ardebili M. A., Mirzabozorg H. Orthotropic Material and Anisotropic Damage Mechanics Approach for Numerically Seismic Assessment of Arch Dam-Reservoir-Foundation System. - C. 22-44.
- Czechowski L., Kowal-Michalska K. Static and Dynamic Buckling of Rectangular Functionally Graded Plates Subjected to Thermal Loading. - C. 45-55.
- Alfred Franklin V., Christopher T. Generation and Validation of Crack Growth Resistance Curve from DCB Specimens: An Experimental Study. - C. 56-67.
- Afzal N., Shah T., Ahmad R. Microstructural Features and Mechanical Properties of Artificially Aged AA2024. - C. 69-81.
- Ismail A. A. Estimating the Generali/ed Exponential Distribution Parameters and the Acceleration Factor under Constant-Stress Partially Accelerated Life Testing with Type-II Censoring. - C. 82-94.
- Rostamiyan Y., Fereidoon A. B., Omrani A., Ganji D. D. Preparation, Modeling, and Optimization of Mechanical Properties of Epoxy/H I PN/Silica Hybrid Nanocomposite Using Combination of Central Composite Design and Genetic Algorithm. Part 2. Studies on Flexural, Compression, and Impact Strength. - C. 95-111.
- Buyukkaragoz A., Kalkan I., Lee J. H. A Numerical Study of the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Beams Reinforced with AFRP Bars. - C. 112-129.
- Cheraghi H., Ghasemi F. A., Payganeh G. Morphology and Mechanical Properties of PP/LLDPE Blends and Ternary PP/LLDPE/nano-CaCOj Composites. - C. 130-141.
- Temimi Lahouari H., Allel M., Belkaid N., Boutaous A., Bnuamrane R. Study of the Effect of Water Intake by the Matrix on the Optimization of the Fiber Matrix Interface Damage for a Composite Material by Genetic Algorithms. - C. 142-151.
- Kashvzadeh K. R., Arghavan A. Study of the Effect of Different Industrial Coating with Microscale Thickness on the CK45 Steel by Experimental and Finite Element Methods. - C. 152-163.
- Abstracts. - C. 164-166.
- Правила оформления статей. - C. 167.
- Авторский указатель за 2013 год. - C. 168-170.
- Указатель статей за 2013 год. - C. 171-176.