Проблемы прочности. 2014 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Проблемы прочности 2014. Вип. 2 |
- Титул.
- Содержание.
- Foreword. - C. 6.
- Tu M. Y., Velasco J. I., Valles C., Gloria A., Lin W. Z., Li Z. M., Ruan G. L., Liu F. Review: Progress in the Studies on Mechanical Properties of Materials. - C. 7-11.
- Wu W. P., Yao Z. Z. Influence of a Strain Rate and Temperature on the Crack Tip Stress and Microstructure Evolution of Monocrystalline Nickel: a Molecular Dynamics Simulation. - C. 12-21.
- Li D. S., Zuo D. W., Qin Q. H. Analysis of Fracture Behavior of Thin Polycrystalline Diamond Films. - C. 22-28.
- Kim J. M., Park J. S., Yun H. S. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TiC Nanoparticle-Reinforced Iron-Matrix Composites. - C. 29-36.
- Feng R. C., Rui Z. Y., Zhang G. T., Yan C. F., Yi X. B. Improved Method of Fatigue Life Assessment for TiAl Alloys. - C. 37-44.
- Sevim I., Sahih S., Cug H., Cevik E., Hayat F., Karali M. Effect of Aging Treatment on Surface Roughness, Mechanical Properties, and Fracture Behavior of 6xxx and 7xxx Aluminum Alloys. - C. 45-53.
- Chen Y. F., Peng X. D., Xu H. B., Jiang H. D., Guan G. H. Constitutive Equations and Processing Maps for 49MnVS3 Non-Quenched and Tempered Steel. - C. 54-65.
- Her S. C., Wu C. L. Annealing Effect on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Thin Titanium Nitride Film. - C. 66-72.
- Zhou L. L., Chu X. H., Xu Y. J. Evolution of Anisotropy in Granular Materials: Effect of Particle Rolling and Particle Crushing. - C. 73-80.
- Li W., Chen J., He J. J., Ren Y. J., Qiu W., Zhu S. Q., Sunc V. P. Effect of the SiC Particle Orientation Anisotropy on the Tensile Properties of a Spray-Formed SiCp/Al-Si Composite. - C. 81-89.
- Tian H. L., We S. C., Chen Y. X., Tong H., Liu Y., Xub B. S. Microstructure and Wear Resistance of an Arc-Sprayed Fe-Based Coating after Surface Kemelting Treatment. - C. 90-97.
- Lee J. Y., Kim K. H., Kim S. W., Chang M. Strength Degradation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars Subjected to Reversed Cyclic Load. - C. 98-105.
- Zhong Z. P., Wan S., Jiang Z. W. Numerical Analysis of Crack Propagation Path Using an Advanced Element Cracking Method. - C. 106-116.
- Ni X. H., Chen C., Liu X. Q., Zhang S. Q. Strength Prediction Model of a Particle-Reinforced Shellproof Ceramic Composite. - C. 117-124.
- Wang Y. X., Dong M., Li H. Y., Liu Y. Q., Shang Q. H. Study on Thermal Stress of Honeycomb Ceramic Regenerators with Different Parameters. - C. 125-131.
- Zhang Q., Xu M. J., Hu N. Study on Fatigue Life of Plow Bit under Different Planning Parameters. - C. 132-140.
- Fan X. L., Qin W. J., Suo T. Experimental Investigation on the Tensile Strength of Composite Laminates Containing Open and Filled Holes. - C. 141-146.
- Han Z. Y., Li Y. H., Fu H. Y. Mechanical Properties of Thermoplastic Variable-Angle Composite Laminations for Conical Shells. - C. 147-155.
- Zhu Q., Zhao J. H., Zhang C. G., Li Y., Wang S. Unified Solutions on Plastic Limit Internal Pressure for Metallic Elbows. - C. 156-163.
- An H. P., Rui Z. V., Wang R. F., Zhang Z. M. Research on Cutting-Temperature Field and Distribution of Heat Rates among a Workpiece, Cutter, and Chip for High-Speed Cutting Based on Analytical and Numerical Methods. - C. 164-171.
- Hu L. L., Liu Y. Dynamic Response of Gradient Foams. - C. 172-177.
- Abstracts. - C. 178-182.