Economic annals-XXI. 2016 (156) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Economic annals-XXI 2016. Вип. 156 |
- Титул, зміст.
- Piliaiev I. Contemporary Russia as a palace-neopolitar state and economy. - C. 4-8.
- Ismail R., Jajri I. ASEAN-3-Malaysia international migration and real wage convergence. - C. 9-13.
- Mihailovic B., Djurisic V. Researching the application of public relations in Montenegro. - C. 14-17.
- Radionova I. Procedural approach to macroeconomic policy analysis: content and application. - C. 18-21.
- Fedulova L. Innovativeness of the economies of the EU and Ukraine: undertakings to narrow the gap. - C. 22-25.
- Zatonatska T. Global trends in state investment policy and practice of their implementation in Ukraine. - C. 26-30.
- Hlushchenko O. Well-being as an imperative of Ukraine’s social development. - C. 31-36.
- Vertakova Yu., Plotnikov V. Innovative and industrial development: specifics of interrelation. - C. 37-40.
- Bogolib T. Budgetary system of Ukraine: a new reality and global challenges. - C. 41-43.
- Paientko T., Proskura K. Corporate income tax: evolution, problems and possible solutions. - C. 44-48.
- Illiashenko S., Rot-Sierov Ye. Knowledge as a factor of competitive advantages: prospects for Ukraine. - C. 49-53.
- Shevchenko H., Pakhomov V., Petrushenko M. Economic and legal issues of rural and recreational land use in Ukraine. - C. 54-58.
- Polinkevych O. Factors of enterprises’ outstripping development in conditions of global economic crisis. - C. 59-62.
- Grynchyshyn Y. Evolution of European approach to using financial restructuring in the system of crisis management of enterprises. - C. 63-66.
- Taraniuk L., Taraniuk К. Methodological basis of risk management system with regard to industrial activities in the course of radical transformations. - C. 67-70.
- Sira E., Kravcakova Vozarova I., Radvanska K. Using of risk management at small and medium-sized companies in the Slovak Republic. - C. 71-73.
- Makaliuk I. Diagnostics of transaction costs flow quality influence on economic results. - C. 74-77.
- Grynko T., Koshevoi M., Gviniashvili T. Methodological approaches to evaluation the effectiveness of organisational changes at communication enterprises. - C. 78-82.
- Granaturov V., Kaptur V., Politova I. Determination of tariffs on telecommunication services based on modeling the cost of their providing: methodological and practical aspects of application. - C. 83-87.
- Popova N., Shynkarenko V. Personnel development at enterprises with regard to adaptation to the VUCA world. - C. 88-91.
- Miklosik A. Search-centric approach to sustainability of academic marketing. - C. 92-96.
- Raimbekov Zh., Syzdykbayeva B., Yergaliyev R., Sarsenova A. Development of logistics and supply chains in freight-generating sectors of economy. - C. 97-100.
- Pysmak V., Mazhnyk L. Improvement of efficiency of enterprises operating in the services sector on the basis of logistics concepts. - C. 101-104.
- Vanickova R. Production material requirements in material ordering. - C. 105-108.
- Marcekova R., Simockova I., Sebova L. Health tourism in the context of active ageing of Slovak population. - C. 109-111.
- Legenchuk S., Usatenko O. Analysis of management forms of collective investment institutions to organise the accounting system. - C. 112-115.
- Pylypenko L. Accounting for derivatives and their representation in financial reporting: problems of methodology and procedure. - C. 116-120.