Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. 2016, 7 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні 2016. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Мykhailenko О. V. "Host-guest" complexing of double-walled carbon nanotube with metallocenes. - C. 273-278.
- Starukh G. N. Zn-Al layered double hydroxides for adsorption and photocatalytic removal of сationic dye. - C. 379-388.
- Linova B. O., Kobylianska S. D., Bilous A. G., Ragulya А. V., Dulina I. O. Synthesis of Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 films with NASICON structure by "tаpe casting” method. - C. 389-394.
- Brei V. V., Varvarin A. M., Prudius S. V. One-pot synthesis of δ-valerolactone from tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol and δ-valerolactone amidation over Сu/ZnO-Al2O3 catalyst. - C. 395-404.
- Roik N. V., Belyakova L. A., Dziazko M. O. Kinetic and equilibrium studies of doxorubicin adsorption on MCM-41-type silica surface. - C. 405-412.
- Karabanova L. V., Honcharova L. A., Sapsay V. I., Klymchuk D. O. Synthesis, morphology and thermal properties of the POSS-containing polyurethane nanocomposites. - C. 413-420.
- Trofymchuk I. M., Roik N. V., Belyakova L. A. β-cyclodextrin-MCM-41 silica as promising adsorbent for the trace amounts removal of aromatics from water. - C. 421-431.
- Bondarenko M. V., Khalyavka T. A., Camyshan S. V., Petrik I. S. Preparation and characterization of titanium dioxide modified with carbon with enhanced photocatalytic activity. - C. 432-438.
- Lisova O. M., Makhno S. M., Gorbyk P. P. Effect of low-intensity microwave electromagnetic radiation on the vital activity of yeast in the presence of graphene. - C. 439-443.
- Tsomyk O. Ye., Korochkova T. Ye., Rozenbaum V. M. Molecular rotor as a high-temperature Brownian motor. - C. 444-452.
- Linnik O. P. Synthesis and characterization of nitrogen and zirconium ions doped TiO2 films for photocatalytic application. - C. 453-462.
- Kazakova O. O. A quantum-chemical study on the antioxidant properties of natural phenolic compounds. - C. 463-467.