Biopolymers and cell. 2016, 32 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Biopolymers and cell 2016. Вип. 3 |
- Title, content.
- Obolenskaya M. Yu., Kuklin A. V., Rodrigez R. R., Martsenyuk O. P., Korneyeva K. L., Docenko V. A., Draguschenko O. O. Practical approach to quantification of mRNA abundance using RT-qPCR, normalization of experimental data and MIQE. - C. 161-172.
- Kikhno I. M., Makarenko V. E., Kashuba V. I. Functional complementation of a conserved non protein-coding element (CNE) of Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus by heterologous CNE originating from Malacosoma neustria nucleopolyhedrovirus. - C. 173-178.
- Pichugin A. V., Iarovaia O. V., Sklyar I. V., Lacombe G., Razin S. V., Fest T., Lipinski M., Vassetzky Y. S. Intranuclear localization of transcription factories and immunoglobulin heavy chain gene alleles during human B-cell maturation. - C. 179-183.
- Dokāne K., Jonkus D., Sjakste T. Evaluation of the RYR1 gene genetic diversity in the Latvian White pig breed. - C. 184-189.
- Panchuk R. R., Lehka L. V., Rohr J., Berger W., Stoika R. S. Mitochondria do not play a major role in landomycin E-induced ROS burst and circumvention of multiple drug resistance in HL-60 leukemia cells. - C. 190-202.
- Kropyvko S. V., Gubar O. S., Gryaznova T. A., Morderer D. Ye., Gerasymchuk D. O., Syvak L. A., Grabovoy A. N., Rynditch A. V. Transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of the adaptor/scaffold protein gene ITSN1. - C. 203-221.
- Inomistova M. V., Khranovska N. M., Skachkova O. V., Klymniuk G. I., Demydov S. V., Svergun N. M. MiR-137 expression in neuroblastoma: a role in clinical course and outcome.. - C. 222-228.
- Kucherenko D. Yu., Siediuko D. V., Knyzhnykova D. V., Soldatkin O. O., Soldatkin A. P. Development of amperometric biosensor for choline determination. - C. 229-234.
- Tsvigun V. O., Rudneva T. O., Shevchenko T. P., Budzanivska I. G., Polishchuk V. P. Strain attribution of Ukrainian isolates of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus and their occurrence in Ukraine. - C. 235-241.