Microbiological journal. 2016, 78 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Microbiological journal 2016. Вип. 6 |
- Титул, зміст.
- Danylo Zabolotny, the Scientist and the Citizen – Tribute to the 150th Anniversary of Academician D. K. Zabolotny. - C. 2-7.
- Pidgorskyi V. S., Kovalenko N. K., Garmasheva I. L. Taxonomic Research, Biological Properties and Biosynthetic Activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Bifidobacteria Isolated from Various Natural Ecological Niches. - C. 8-18.
- Pasichnyk L. A. The Spectrum of Weed Phytopathogens in Wheat Agrophytocenosis. - C. 19-28.
- Кurdish І. К. Impact of a Number of Factors on Physiological and Biochemical Activity of Strains – Components of Azogran, a Complex Bacterial Preparation. - C. 29-36.
- Varbanets L. D. Structure, Function and Biological Activity of Lipopolysaccharide Lipid A. - C. 37-49.
- Klochko V. V. Еcology, Systematics and Antibiotic Activity of Pseudomonas batumici and Alteromonas macleodii in Connection with Analysis of their Genome Structure. - C. 50-59.
- Matselyukh B. P., Polishchuk L. V., Lukyanchuk V. V., Golembiovska S. L., Lavrenchuk V. Y. Sequences of Landomycin E and Carotenoid Biosynthetic Gene Clusters, and Molecular Structure of Transcriptional Regulator of Streptomyces globisporus 1912. - C. 60-70.
- Patyka V. P. Phytopathogenic Bacteria in Contemporary Agriculture. - C. 71-83.
- Avdeeva L. V., Kharkhota M. A., Nechypurenko O. О. Fundamental Basis of Creation of Probiotic with Provitamin Activity Based on Strains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens IMV В-7513 and IMV B-7525. - C. 84-91.
- Pidgorskyi V. S., Nogina T. M. Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Actinobacteria and Acinetobacteria Strains Producing Biosurfactant. - C. 92-103.