Journal of thermoelectricity. 2016 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of thermoelectricity 2016. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Shablovsky Ya. O. Electrically and magnetically induced cryogeneration in crystalline dielectrics. - C. 5-14.
- Gorskiy P. V. Gigantic thermoemf of layered thermoelectric materials in a quantizing magnetic field. - C. 15-23.
- Romaka V. A., Rogl P.-F., Romaka L. P., Krayovskyy V. Ya., Stadnyk Yu. V., Kaczorowski D., Horyn A. M. Features of structural, energy and kineticcharacteristics of TiNiSn1-xGax thermoelectric material. - C. 24-33.
- Haluschak M. O., Mudryi S. I., Lopyanko M. A., Optasyuk S. V., Semko Т. О., Nikiruy L. I., Horichok I. V. Phase composition and thermoelectric properties of materials in Pb-Ag-Te system. - C. 34-39.
- Anatychuk L. I., Kuz R. V. Thermoelectric generator for trucks. - C. 40-45.
- Konstantynovych I. A. On the efficiency of gyrotropic thermoelements in cooling mode. - C. 46-50.
- Maksimuk M. V. Computer design of thermoelectric starting pre-heater on gas fuel. - C. 51-60.
- Lutsenko V. Yu., Zhagrov A. S. Experimental investigation of periodic transient mode of thermoelectric generator. - C. 61-67.
- Dudal V. O. Ultimate potential of underground thermoelectric generators. - C. 68-74.
- Lysko V. V. Analysis of errors in determining the thermoelectric properties of materials by the harman method. - C. 75-86.
- Stadnyk B. I. Dedicated to 80th birthday. - C. 89.