Ukrainian journal of physics. 2012, 57 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2012. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Kaur M., Kumar S. Influence of momentum-dependent interactions on the nuclear stopping in symmetric heavy-ion collisions. - C. 289-295.
- Fesenko O. M. Enhancement features of infra-red absorption by α-gly molecules in the SEIRA effect. - C. 296-303.
- Matievosova O. H., Kovalenko A. V., Kurashov V. N. Radiation losses in a planar dielectric waveguide with a rough interface between dielectric layers. - C. 304-310.
- Zhovtyansky V. A., Lelyukh Yu. I., Tkachenko Ya. V. Effect of radiation transfer on a deviation of dense electric-arc plasma from the equilibrium state: criterion approach. - C. 311-321.
- Silin V. P. Ion-acoustic turbulence in plasmas. - C. 322-329.
- Ivanchenko A. V., Tonkoshkur A. S. Electromigration degradation model of metal oxide varistor structures. - C. 330-338.
- Alexeev A. D., Vasilenko T. A., Kirilov A. K., Molchanov O. M., Troitsky G. A. Temperature dependences of dynamic parameters of water in fossil-coal pores. - C. 339-344.
- Povarchuk V. Yu., Nosenko V. K., Kraitchinskii A. M., Neimash V. B., Kras’ko M. M., Maslov V. V. Influence of γ-irradiation on initial magnetic permeability of amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe−Si−B-based alloys. - C. 345-349.
- Bulavin L. A., Moroz K. O., Nedyak S. P., Petrenko V. I. The equation of state for a water-based magnetic fluid stabilized by lauric acid. - C. 350-354.
- Greenchuk A. A., Afanasieva T. V., Koval I. P., Nakhodkin M. G. Adsorption of molecular oxygen onto Si1-xGex/Si(001) surface. - C. 355-360.
- Petrova N. V., Yakovkin I. N., Braun O. M. Chlorine atomic chains on Ag(111) surface. - C. 361-366.
- Kochelap V. A., Kukhtaruk S. M. Interaction between an isotropic nanoparticle and drifting electrons in a quantum well. - C. 367-380.
- In memory of Mykhailo Pavlovych Lisitsa (15.01.1921− 10.01.2012). - C. 381-382.
- Kornii Denysovych Tovstyuk (to the 90-th anniversary of his birthday). - C. 383-385.