Економічний вісник Донбасу. 2016 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Економічний вісник Донбасу 2016. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Chebotarov V., Chebotarov Ye. Polish economic miracle as a factor of the socialist system of economy collapse. - C. 5-9.
- Lantukh I. The role of the foreign assets in the economy of Ukraine at the turn of the XXth century. - C. 10-14.
- Minochkina O. Formation of social capital of the nation. - C. 15-20.
- Rozmainsky I. The Basic elements of the post keynesian analysis of the post-soviet model of Russian capitalism. - C. 21-27.
- Shabalina L., Kapko A. Analysis of Russian market of foodstuffs and agricultural raw materials in modern conditions of managing. - C. 28-34.
- Francisco F. R. R., Kovalenko O., Kovalenko S. Cultural diversity and growth of international firms. - C. 35-40.
- Ivanov S., Perebyynis V., Oleksenko L., Svitlychna A. Organizational development of agro-industrial complex on basis of cooperation and integration. - C. 41-46.
- Pajak K., Kvilinskyi O., Fasiecka O. Regional Energy Security (Based on Polish Experience). - C. 47-55.
- Lis P. The Conditions of the Water Sector in Poland. - C. 56-61.
- Glinkowska B. Analysis of the State of Internationalisation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Poland. - C. 62-66.
- Papizh Yu. Features of effective clustering in mining regions of Ukraine. - C. 67-69.
- Simeonova R. Standard Costing System - a management tool by deviations. - C. 70-74.
- Mykhaylychenko N., Tokareva A. Problems and prospects of implementation controlling as a modern enterprise management tool. - C. 75-78.
- Kamenska O., Vesela N. Estimation of human capital in the strategic budgeting system. - C. 79-84.
- Ostrovetskyy V. Some Aspects of the Ukrainian Fiscal policy in the Context of Decentralization: the Revenue of Local Budgets. - C. 85-90.
- Zaloznova Y., Trushkina N. Organization of marketing activity of coal mining enterprises in an irregular demand environment: theoretic and practical aspects. - C. 91-95.
- Lisyuk V., Serov A. The market approach to local markets of housing and communal services of Ukraine. - C. 96-98.
- Shlafman N., Hudkov V. Bank marketing at the present Ukrainian banking services market. - C. 99-103.
- Gonchar V. Forecasting as a method of metals marketing research. - C. 104-108.
- Litovchenko I., Shkurupskaya I. Industry 4.0 as a Major Factor in the Formation of IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications). - C. 109-114.
- Korytko T., Kruk E. Theoretical aspects definition of the potential competitiveness of enterprises. - C. 115-119.
- Nechvoloda L., Ivchenkova E., Pylipenko K. Increase in competitive capacity of industrial enterprise through creation of automation system of the process of work distribution among employees. - C. 120-123.
- Shevchenko N., Gudkova E. The use of mathematical methods for decision making in optimal pricing strategy for enterprises. - C. 124-127.
- Kitrish E. The role of supply chain sustainability in strengthening the business competitiveness. - C. 128-136.
- Khadzhynova O. Coordinated planning of the production program of enterprises business network. - C. 137-144.
- Chernata T. Statistical analysis of the relationship of the enterprise indicators of capital use efficiency and the profitability. - C. 145-149.
- Latysheva Ye. The ecological component of potential of sustainable development of machine-building enterprises as a management instrument by a competitiveness. - C. 150-153.
- Shevchenko A. Identification of the economic security technological component of Ukraine in the field of railway transport. - C. 154-160.
- Vetsepura N., Prokofieva S. The problems of innovative activity activization. - C. 161-163.
- Tashkova M. Big data - the new challenge facing business. - C. 164-167.
- Mazurkiewicz J. The effectiveness of green certificates - evidence from Poland. - C. 168-174.
- Gancheva Z. Opportunities for improving the process of training of customs officers. - C. 175-181.
- Nikolov E. Global Reporting Initiative and its implementation in Bulgarian and Ukrainian enterprises. - C. 182-187.
- Vishnevsky O. The role of social resources in formation of wealth in the decentralization and industry 4.0 processes. - C. 188-192.
- Boichenko M. Social and economic aspect of occupational risks management at mining enterprises. - C. 193-195.
- Dobykina Y. Perfection of mechanism of estimation and management labour potential in the conditions of adaptation to requirements of international integration. - C. 196-201.
- Lyakh O. Social cooperatives: whether the European experience takes root in Ukraine?. - C. 202-211.
- Вихідні дані.