Ukrainian journal of physics. 2013, 58 (11) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2013. Вип. 11 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- International conference "Quantum groups and quantum integrable systems" Kyiv, june 18–21, 2013. - C. 1023-1024.
- Gavrilik A. M., Kachurik I. I., Lukash A. V. New version of q-deformed supersymmetric quantum mechanics. - C. 1025-1032.
- Bespalov Yu. N. From bialgebras to operads. Quantum line and cooperad of correlation functions. - C. 1033-1045.
- Nikitin A. G. Superintegrable systems with arbitrary spin. - C. 1046-1054.
- Nazarenko A. V. Area quantization of the parameter space of riemann surfaces in genus two. - C. 1055-1064.
- Ovsiyuk E. M., Veko O. V. On behavior of quantum particles in an electric field in spaces of constant curvature, hyperbolic and spherical models. - C. 1065-1072.
- Ovsiyuk E. M., Veko O. V., Kazmerchuk K. V., Kisel V. V., Red’kov V. M. Quantum mechanics of a spin 1 particle in the magnetic monopole potential, in spaces of Euclid and Lobachevsky: non-relativistic approximation. - C. 1073-1083.
- Bezvershenko Yu. V., Holod P. I. Extended state space of the rational sl(2) Gaudin model in terms of Laguerre polynomials. - C. 1084-1091.
- Vakhnenko O. O. Semidiscrete integrable systems inspired by the Davydov−Kyslukha model. - C. 1092-1107.
- Kozak A. V. Integrability in AdS/CFT. - C. 1108-1112.
- Burban I. M. Unified (p, q; α, γ, l)-deformations of oscillator and hybrid oscillator algebras and two-dimensional conformal field theory. - C. 1113-1120.