Ukrainian journal of physics. 2015, 60 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2015. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Academician Mykola Grygorovych Nalhodkin is 90 years old. - C. 6.
- Mykola Grygorovych Nakhodkin. - C. 7-9.
- Podanchuk D. V., Goloborodko A. A., Kotov M. M., Petriv D. A. Talbot sensor with diffraction grating adaptation to wavefront aberrations. - C. 10-14.
- Tolochkevich Yu. M., Anisimov I. O., Litoshenko T. E. Dynamics of charged bunches in the wakefield excited by them in plasma. - C. 15-21.
- Balakin D. Yu., Ptushinskii Yu. G. Role of formation and thermal desorption of molybdenum oxides in corrosion of Mo(110) surface. - C. 22-31.
- Voitsenya V. S., Bardamid O. F. Behavior of metallic diagnostic mirrors with different structures under conditions simulating those in the ITER fusion reactor. - C. 32-45.
- Koval I. P., Len Yu. A., Nakhodkin M. G., Svishevs’kyi M. O., Yakovenko M. Yu. Interaction of molecular oxygen with Si(001) surface covered with a chromium or titanium monolayer. - C. 46-51.
- Kulyk M. M., Kalita V. M., Lozenko A. F., Ryabchenko S. M., Stognei O. V., Sitnikov A. V. In-plane anisotropy effect on critical transition field in nanogranular films with perpendicular anisotropy. - C. 52-63.
- Litovchenko V. G., Melnik V. P., Romanjuk B. M. Nano-size phase formation at acoustically stimulated ion beam synthesis. - C. 64-73.
- Lushkin O. Ye. On efficient thermionic cathodes. - C. 74-90.