Український фізичний журнал. 2012, 57 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Український фізичний журнал 2012. Вип. 2 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Perface. - C. 111-112.
- Makhlaichuk P. V., Malomuzh M. P., Zhyganiuk I. V. Nature of hydrogen bond in water. - C. 113-117.
- Avadanei M., Dorohoi D. O. Interaction energy in pairs of pyridazinium ylide−solvent molecules estimated by spectral means within the cell ternary solution model. - C. 118-123.
- Bordyuh H. B., Klimusheva G. V., Polishchuk A. P. Electrooptical and nonlinear optical properties of lyotropic liquid crystals doped with electrochromic viologens. - C. 124-128.
- Boyarchuk N., Kurioz Yu., Slyusarenko K., Trunov M., Reznikov Yu. Photoalignment of liquid crystals on chalcogenide glass As20Se80 surface. - C. 129-132.
- Bratos S., Leicknam J.-Cl. Convolution problems in time-resolved X-ray diffraction. - C. 133-139.
- Davydova N. A., Melnik V. I., Nesprava V. V., Reznichenko V. Ya. Different polymorphic modifications of phenyl salicylate. - C. 140-144.
- Dmitruk N. Berezovska N., Dmitruk I., Serdyuk V., Sabataityte J., Simkiene I. Modification of optical properties of porous AIIIBV layers produced by anodic etching. - C. 145-153.
- Dovbeshko G. I., Fesenko O. M., Boyko V. V., Romanyuk V. R., Gorelik V. S., Moiseyenko V. N., Sobolev V. B., Shvalagin V. V. Secondary emission from synthetic opal infiltrated by colloidal gold and glycine. - C. 154-158.
- Gayvoronsky V. Ya., Kopylovsky M. A., Yatsyna V. O., Rostotsky A. I., Brodyn M. S., Pritula I. M. Photoinduced refractive index variation in the KDP single crystals with incorporated TiO2 nanoparticles under CW laser excitation. - C. 159-165.
- Golub P., Pogorelov V., Doroshenko I. Quantum-chemical simulation of the cluster structure of liquid N-heptanol. - C. 166-170.
- Grechnev G. E., Panfilov A. S., Fedorchenko A. V., Desnenko V. A., Zhuravleva I. P., Gnatchenko S. L., Chareev D. A., Volkova O. S., Vasiliev A. N. Electronic structure and magnetism of Fe-based superconductors. - C. 171-176.
- Gridyakina A. V., Garbovskiy Yu. A., Klimusheva G. V., Polischuk A. P. Nonlinear optical response of smectic glasses based on cobalt alkanoates. - C. 177-182.
- Kravchenko V. M., Rud Yu. P., Buchatski L. P., Mel’nik V. I., Mogylchak K. Yu., Ladan S. P., Yashchuk V. M. Spectroscopic studies of mosquito iridescent virus, its capsid proteins, lipids, and DNA. - C. 183-186.
- Kudrya V. Yu., Yashchuk V. M. The spectral properties and photostability of DNA, RNA, and oligonucleotides. - C. 187-192.
- Maksimchuk P. O., Masalov A. A., Seminko V. V., Viagin O. G., Klochkov V. K., Malyukin Yu. V. Abnormal low linewidth temperature broadening observed for YVO4:Eu nanocrystals. - C. 193-196.
- Naumenko A. P., Korniyenko N. E., Yashchuk V. M., Bliznyuk V. N., Singamaneni S. Phonon-like light scattering in polycrystalline carbon structures. - C. 197-207.
- Ostapenko N., Peckus D., Gulbinas W., Suto S., Watanabe A. Distinctive optical properties of polysilane/TiO2 nanocomposite films. - C. 208-213.
- Ovsiannikova L. I., Naumenko A. P., Kartuzov V. V., Smolyar A. S. Optical vibrations spectra of C24 and C48 cage clusters and simple cubic fullerite. - C. 214-218.
- Perets Yu. S., Ovsienko I. V., Vovchenko L. L., Matzui L. Yu., Brusilovetz O. A., Pundyk I. P. Characterization of nanodispersed graphite. - C. 219-223.
- Popovskii A. Yu., Mikhailenko V. I. Properties of wall-adjacent epitropic liquid crystalline layers. - C. 224-229.
- Prorok V. V., Bulavin L. A., Poperenko L. V. Investigation of channels of Cs-137 and K transfer from soil to plant under natural conditions with optical and gamma spectrometry. - C. 230-234.
- Serbina M. I., Kasian N. A., Lisetski L. N. Effects of UV radiation on helical twisting in cholesteric systems containing photosensitive azoxy nematics. - C. 235-238.
- Tomylko S., Yaroshchuk O., Kovalchuk O., Maschke U., Yamaguchi R. Dielectric properties of nematic liquid crystal modified with diamond nanoparticles. - C. 239-243.
- Tukhvatullin F. H., Jumabayev A., Tashkenbaev U. N., Hushvaktov H., Absanov A., Sharifov G. Aggregation of benzene molecules with molecules of methanol and formic acid. - C. 244-247.
- Tukhvatullin F. H., Jumabayev A., Hushvaktov H., Absanov A., Hudoyberdiev B. Raman spectra and intermolecular hydrogen bonds of quinoline in solutions. - C. 248-255.
- Vakulenko O. V., Grygorieva O. O., Dacenko O. I. Degradation of chlorophyll luminescence in plants. - C. 256-259.
- Viduta L., Gavrilko T., Marchenko A., Nechytaylo V., Senenko A., Fedorovich R., Shabatyn P. Structure and electroluminescent properties of thin tetracene layers on gold island films. - C. 260-265.
- Yeshchenko O. A., Dmitruk I. M., Alexeenko A. A., Kotko A. V., Verdal J., Pinchuk A. O. Size and temperature dependence of the surface plasmon resonance in silver nanoparticles. - C. 266-277.
- Yushko O. O., Okhrimenko B. A. The influence of H2O deformation on a deviation on O−H chemical bond. - C. 278-282.