Український фізичний журнал. 2013, 58 (7) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Український фізичний журнал 2013. Вип. 7 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Tarasov A. N. Magnetic susceptibilities of dense superfluid neutron matter with generalized Skyrme forces and spin-triplet pairing at zero temperature. - C. 611-618.
- Dzyublik A. Ya. Nuclear excitation by electron transitions. - C. 619-628.
- Nesterov A. V., Vasilevsky V. S., Kovalenko T. P. Spectra of nuclei 9Вe and 9В in a three-cluster microscopic model. - C. 629-636.
- Gavrilko T. A., Puchkovska G. O., Styopkin V. I., Bezrodna T. V., Baran J., Drozd M. Molecular dynamics and phase transitions behavior of binary mixtures of fatty acids and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as studied via Davydov splitting of molecular vibrational modes. - C. 637-646.
- Archilla J. F. R., Kosevich Y. A., Jiménez N., Sánchez-Morcillo V. J., Garsía-Raffi L. M. Moving excitations in cation lattices. - C. 647-657.
- Weyrauch M., Rakov M. V. Efficient MPS algorithm for periodic boundary conditions and applications. - C. 658-666.
- Volkov O. M., Kravchuk V. P. Saturation of magnetic films with spin-polarized current in the presence of a magnetic field. - C. 667-673.
- Pavlyuk A. M. Generalization of polynomial invariants and holographic principle for knots and links. - C. 674-677.
- Grytsay V. I., Musatenko I. V. The structure of a chaos of strange attractors within a mathematical model of the metabolism of a cell. - C. 678-688.
- Starodub I. O., Zolotaryuk Y. Fluxon scattering on a stripe-like impurity in a two-dimensional Josephson junction. - C. 689-698.