Український фізичний журнал. 2016, 61 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Український фізичний журнал 2016. Вип. 6 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Babkov L. M., Baran J., Davydova N. A., Ivlieva I. V. Ponezha E. A., Reznichenko V. Ya. Infrared spectra of triphenyl phosphite and their interpretation on the basis of quantum chemistry calculation. - C. 477-483.
- Chernolevska Ye., Pogorelov V., Vaskivskyi Ye., Doroshenko I. Temperature-induced evolution of a cluster structure in n-nonan-1-ol: experimental study and quantum-chemistry calculations. - C. 484-487.
- Kernazhitsky L., Shymanovska V., Gavrilko T., Naumov V., Fedorenko L., Kshnyakin V., Burtsev A., Baran J. Effect of Cr-doping on luminescence of nanocrystalline anatase TiO2 powders. - C. 488-494.
- Stanovyi O., Kutovyy S., Morozov Yu., Naumenko A., Dmitruk I., Borodyanska A. Low-temperature thermoluminescence studies of the nanocrystalline yttria-stabilized zirconia. - C. 495-500.
- Бродин М. С., Муленко С. А., Руденко В. І., Ляховецький В. Р., Воловик М. В., Стефан Н. Оптична кубічна нелінійність тонких плівок Fe2O3 і Cr2O3, синтезованих методом імпульсного лазерного осадження. - C. 501-507.
- Gridyakina A. V. Electric properties of ionic thermotropic liquid crystals. - C. 508-513.
- Ilchenko O. O., Kutsyk A. M., Pilgun Y. V., Obukhovsky V. V., Nikonova V. V. Formation of molecular complexes in liquid benzene-chloroform mixtures examined by mid-IR 2D correlation spectroscopy and multivariate curve resolution. - C. 514-521.
- Kudrya V. Yu., Yashchuk V. M., Dubey I. Ya., Kovalyuk K. I., Batsmanova O. I., Mel'nik V. I., Klishevich G. V., Naumenko A. P., Kudrya Yu. M. The spectral properties of the telomere fragments. - C. 522-524.
- Ilchenko O. O., Pilgun Y. V., Reynt A. S., Kutsyk A. M. NNLS and MCR-ALS decomposition of raman and FTIR spectra of multicomponent liquid solutions. - C. 525-528.
- Lyogenkaya A. A., Grechnev G. E., Kotlyar O. V., Panfilov A. S., Gnezdilov V. P. Electronic structure and magnetic properties of FeTe, BiFeO3, SrFe12O19 and SrCoTiFe10O19 compounds. - C. 529-536.
- Sugakov V., Ostapenko N., Ostapenko Yu., Kerita O., Strelchuk V., Kolomys O., Watanabe A. Interaction of optical vibrations with charge traps and the thermoluminescence spectra of polymers. - C. 537-542.
- Suprun A. D., Shmeleva L. V. Some aspects of generalized dynamics of quasiparticles in crystals with unit cell of arbitrary complexity. - C. 543-552.
- Fedorovych R., Gavrilko T., Lopatina Ya., Marchenko A., Nechytaylo V., Senenko A., Viduta L., Baran J. Structure, morphology, and photoluminescence of vacuum deposited rubrene thin layers. - C. 553-561.
- Naumenko A., Kulikov L., Konig N. Raman spectra of graphene-like nanoparticles of molybdenum and tungsten disulfides. - C. 562-567.