Biotechnologia Acta. 2017, 10 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Biotechnologia Acta 2017. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Зміст.
- Kiprianova E. A., Safronova L. A., Prosyanov A. O. Antimicrobial, entomopathogenic and antiviral activity of gaupsin biopreparation created on the basis of Pseudomonas chlororaphis strains. - C. 7-16.
- Deputatova T. O. Molecular mechanisms of pluripotency induction and reprogramming of somatic cells. - C. 17-25.
- Borzova N. V., Varbanets L. D., Pidgorskyi V. S., Ianieva O. D. Yeast β-mannanase activity. - C. 26-33.
- Tigunova O. O., Beiko N. Ye., Andriiash H. S., Pryiomov S. H., Shulga S. M. Domestic butanol-producing strains of the Clostridium genus. - C. 34-42.
- Voychuk S. I. The contents of neutral and polar lipids in clostridia cells under cultivation in the presence of butanol. - C. 43-51.
- Mustafaeva Z. Synthesis and characterization of poly(lactic-co-glycolic-acid) microparticles loaded with foot-and-mouth disease virus 40–60 synthetic peptide. - C. 52-59.
- Bilyuk A. A., Storozhuk O. V., Kolotiy O. V., Repich H. H., Orysyk S. I., Garmanchuk L. V. PT (II) and PD (II) complexes influence on spheroids growth of breast cancer cells. - C. 60-66.
- Author rules. - C. 67-75.