Ukrainian journal of physics. 2016, 61 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2016. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Degoda V. Ya., Moroz I. M. Kinetic model for spatial distribution of electron excitations in liquid phosphors. - C. 3-11.
- Kovtun Yu. V. Energy expenditure for water molecule ionization by electron impact in weakly ionized plasma. - C. 12-21.
- Odinaev S., Abdurasulov A. Calculation of the sound velocity and the absorption factor in liquids with quasi-spherical molecules. - C. 22-28.
- Vakarchuk I. O., Hryhorchak O. I., Pastukhov V. S., Prytula R. O. Effective mass of 4He atom in superfluid and normal phases. - C. 29-37.
- Il'chenko V. V., Kostiukevych O. M., Lendiel V. V., Radko V. I., Goloborodko N. S. Effect of Gas environment on electrophysical parameters of heterojunctions on the basis of schottky barrier with nano-structured (95% In2O3 + 5% SnO2) Oxide films. - C. 38-43.
- Chornyi V. S., Skripka S. L., Nechyporuk O. Y. Frequency response of split-ring resonators at different types of excitations in Ka-band. - C. 44-49.
- Gorishnyi M. P., Verbitsky A. B. Structural, optical, and photovoltaic properties of tetracene thin films. - C. 50-58.
- Kulish V. V. Spin waves in a ferromagnetic nanotube. Account of dissipation and spin-polarized current. - C. 59-65.
- Boyko I. V. Role of two-photon electronic transitions in the formation of active dynamic conductivity in a three-barrier resonance tunneling structure with an applied DC electric field. - C. 66-74.
- Goriachko A., Melnik P. V., Nakhodkin M. G. A suggestion of the graphene/Ge(111) structure based on ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy investigation. - C. 75-87.
- The 50-th anniversary of the M. M. Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the NAS of Ukraine. - C. 88-91.