Algebra and discrete mathematics. 2016, 21 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски)
| Algebra and discrete mathematics 2016. Вип. 1 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Alfred Lvovich Shmelkin (12.06.1938 – 22.12.2015). - C. C-D.
- Bondar E. Classification of L-cross-sections of the finite symmetric semigroup up to isomorphism. - C. 1-17.
- Bondarenko V., Tertychna O., Zubaruk O. On classification of pairs of potent linear operators with the simplest annihilation condition. - C. 18-23.
- Cimetta L., Lucchini A. Normally ζ-reversible profinite groups. - C. 24-50.
- Dudzik D., Skrzynski M. An outer measure on a commutative ring. - C. 51-58.
- Hannusch C., Lakatos P. Construction of self-dual binary |22k, 22k−1, 2k|-codes. - C. 59-68.
- Kashu A. I. A survey of results on radicals and torsions in modules. - C. 69-110.
- Kurdachenko L. A., Pypka A. A., Semko N. N. The groups whose cyclic subgroups are either ascendant or almost self-normalizing. - C. 111-127.
- Mahdavi L. A., Talebi Y. Co-intersection graph of submodules of a module. - C. 128-143.
- Stefluk S., Zatorsky R. Parafunctions of triangular matrices and m-ary partitions of numbers. - C. 144-152.
- Sysak K. On nilpotent Lie algebras of derivations with large center. - C. 153-162.