Algebra and discrete mathematics. 2015, 19 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Algebra and discrete mathematics 2015. Вип. 1 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Drozd Yu., Kirichenko V., Petravchuk A., Sushchansky V., Ustimenko V. The International Algebraic Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of L. A. Kaluzhnin. - C. C-E.
- Artemovych O. On subgroups of finite exponent in groups. - C. 1-7.
- Benli M. G., Grigorchuk R. Uncountably many 2-generated just-infinite branch pro-2 groups. - C. 8-18.
- Bier A., Sushchansky V. Kaluzhnin’s representations of Sylow p-subgroups of automorphism groups of p-adic rooted trees. - C. 19-38.
- Bondarenko V. M., Bondarenko V. V., Lisykevych V. A., Pereguda Yu. M. On a deformation diameter of Dynkin diagrams. - C. 39-43.
- Dykema K., Juschenko K. On stable finiteness of group rings. - C. 44-47.
- Egri-Nagy A., Nehaniv Ch. L. Symmetries of automata. - C. 48-57.
- Gerdiy O., Oliynyk B. On representations of permutations groups as isometry groups of n-semimetric spaces. - C. 58-66.
- Kachi Y., Tzermias P. On the m-ary partition numbers. - C. 67-76.
- Olshanskii A. Yu. On Kaluzhnin-Krasner’s embedding of groups. - C. 77-86.
- Plotkin B., Plotkin E., Zhitomirski G. Type of a point in Universal Geometry and in Model Theory. - C. 87-100.
- Romanczuk-Polubiec U., Ustimenko V. On two windows multivariate cryptosystem depending on random parameters. - C. 101-129.
- Ustimenko V. On the flag geometry of simple group of Lie type and multivariate cryptography. - C. 130-144.