Journal of thermoelectricity. 2013 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of thermoelectricity 2013. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Teut A. O., Kulenova N. A. The role of thermoelectricity in self-organization processes of polysulfide ores. - C. 5-17.
- Gorsky P. V., Mikhalchenko V. P. Reduction of thermoelectric material lattice thermal conductivity using shape-forming element optimization. - C. 18-25.
- Godzhayev E. M., Dzhafarova G. S., Safarova S. I. Band structure of TlInTe2 and thermoelectric figure of merit of solid solutions on its basis. - C. 26-30.
- Ivanova L. D., Petrova L. I., Granatkina Yu. V., Leontyev V. G., Ivanov A. S., Varlamov S. A., Prilepo Yu. P., Sychev A. M., Chuiko A. G., Bashkov I. V. Melt spinning as a promising method for preparation of bismuth and antimony telluride solid solution materials. - C. 31-40.
- Yamaguchi S., Ivanov Y., Sagara A., Emoto M., Okamoto Y., Nakatsugawa H., Kitagawa H., Hamabe M., Watanabe F., Sun J., Kawahara T. A proposal of thermoelectric divertor by using silicon carbide in nuclear fusion experiment. - C. 41-46.
- Anatychuk L. I., Kobylianskyi R. R. Computer design of thermoelectric heat meter readings under real-service conditions. - C. 47-54.
- Lobunets Yu. M. Performance evaluation of ОТЕС with thermoelectric power converter. - C. 55-59.
- Bilinsky-Slotylo V. R., Vikhor L. N., Mykhailovsky V. Ya. Design of thermoelectric generator modules made of Mg and Mn silicide based materials. - C. 60-66.
- Anatychuk L. I., Kuz R. V., Prybyla A. V. The effect of heat exchange system on the efficiency of thermoelectric air conditioner. - C. 67-73.
- Gischuk V. S. Electronic recorder with processing signals from heat flux thermoelectric sensor. - C. 74-76.
- Uemura K.-i. Dedicated to the 90-th anniversary. - C. 79.
- Pastorino G. Dedicated to the 75-th anniversary. - C. 80.
- Semenyuk V. O. Dedicated to the 75-th anniversary. - C. 81.
- Melnychuk S. V. Dedicated to the 65-th anniversary. - C. 82.
- Huber T. Dedicated to the 65-th anniversary. - C. 83.
- Khoshdurdyyev Kh. O. The Earth’s thermoelectricity as the basis for power supplies of mankind. - C. 84-92.