Journal of thermoelectricity. 2013 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of thermoelectricity 2013. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Bulat L. P., Nefedova I. A. Nonlocal transport phenomena in semiconductors. - C. 5-11.
- Gorsky P. V., Mikhalchenko V. P. On the electric conductivity of contacting particles of thermoelectric material. - C. 12-18.
- Baranskii P. I., Haidar G. P. Anisotropic scattering theory and relevant problems of the kinetics of electron processes in many-valley semiconductors. - C. 19-29.
- Bulat L. P., Kossakovski D., Pshenai-Severin D. A. The influence of phonon thermal conductivity on thermoelectric figure of merit of bulk nanostructured materials with tunneling contacts. - C. 30-41.
- Freik D. M., Kryskov C. A., Horichok I. V., Lyuba T. S., Krynytsky O. S., Rachkovsky O. M. Synthesis, properties and mechanisms of doping with Sb of thermoelectric lead telluride PbTe:Sb. - C. 42-50.
- Romaka V. A., Stadnyk Yu. V., Rogl P., Romaka V. V., Krayovsky V. Ya., Lakh O. I., Horyn A. M. Parameter optimization of thermoelectric material based on n-ZrNiSn intermetallic semiconductor. - C. 51-60.
- Rogacheva E. I., Vodorez O. S. Peculiarities of the concentration dependences of structural and thermoelectric properties in solid solutions PbTe-PbSe. - C. 61-73.
- Vikhor L. M., Mykhailovsky V. Ya., Bilinsky-Slotylo V. R. Segmented and multi-stage structures based on PbTe/Zn4Sb3 for thermoelectric generator modules. - C. 74-81.
- Anatychuk L. I., Giba R. G., Kobylyanskii R. R. Some peculiarities of using medical heat meters in the investigation of local human heat release. - C. 82-88.
- Lobunets Yu. M. Solar pond with thermoelectric energy converter. - C. 89-91.
- Gischuk V. S. Modernized device for human heat flux measurement. - C. 92-96.
- Freik D. M. Dedicated to the 70-th anniversary. - C. 99.