Journal of thermoelectricity. 2013 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of thermoelectricity 2013. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Gorsky P. V., Mikhalchenko V. P. Effect of thermoelectric material anisotropy on the electric conductivity and lattice thermal conductivity of its contacting particles. - C. 5-10.
- Casian A. I., Sanduleac I. I. Organic thermoelectric materials: new opportunities. - C. 11-20.
- Godzhayev E. M., Kakhramanov S. Sh., Gulmamedov K. J., Gamzayeva A. Yu. Surface nanoparticles in AV2BVI3. - C. 21-29.
- Morozova N. V., Korobeynikov I. V., Kurochka K. V., Shchennikov V. V. High-pressure investigations of materials suffering abrupt jumps of the Seebeck effect. - C. 30-34.
- Drabkin I. A., Osvenski V. B., Parkhomenko Yu. N., Sorokin A. I., Pivovarov G. I., Bulat L. P. Anisotropy of thermoelectric properties of р-type nanostructured material based on (Bi, Sb)2Te3. - C. 35-46.
- Matsukevich I. V., Klyndyuk A. I. Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of Ca3Co3.85M0.1509+d (М = V – Zn) solid solutions prepared by citrate gel method. - C. 47-53.
- Korzhuev M. A., Svechnikova T. E. Thermodynamic restrictions for the net power of automotive thermoelectric generators and prospects of their use in transport. - C. 54-70.
- Bilinsky-Slotylo V. R., Vikhor L. M., Mykhailovsky V. Ya., Mochernyuk R. M., Semizorov A. F. Efficiency improvement of generator modules based on CoSb through use of segmented and multi-stage structures. - C. 71-76.
- Nazarenko A. A. Reliability enhancement of thermoelectric coolers using polymer vacuum coatings. - C. 77-85.
- Simkin A. V., Biryukov A. V., Repnikov N. I., Ivanov O.N. Reliability test of generator thermopiles made with the use of arc plasma spraying method. - C. 86-94.
- 15 International forum on thermoelectricity. - C. 97-104.