Journal of thermoelectricity. 2013 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of thermoelectricity 2013. Вип. 6 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Gorsky P. V., Melnychuk S. V. Impact of layered structure effects and charge ordering on thermoEMF of thermoelectric materials in a quantizing magnetic field. - C. 7-12.
- Rogacheva E. I., Doroshenko A. N., Pinegin V. I., Dresselhaus M. S. Electronic phase transitions and structural instability in Bi1–xSbx solid solutions. - C. 13-20.
- Uryupin O. N., Ivanov Yu. V., Shabaldin A. A., Konstantinov E. V. Thermoelectric properties of nanostructures in chrysotile asbestos and porous glass. - C. 21-31.
- Kruglov I. A., Serebryanaya N. R., Pivovarov G. I., Blank V. D. The metastable phase Bi2Te3-m obtained directly from the separate elements. - C. 32-37.
- Shchennikov V. V., Korobeynikov I. V., Morozova N. V. Influence of physical and "geometrical" factors on the properties of thermoelectric materials. - C. 38-48.
- Anatychuk L. I., Kobylianskyi R. R., Konstantinovich I. A. The impact of a thermoelectric supply on the accuracy of temperature and heat flux measurement. - C. 49-57.
- Cherkez R. G., Maksymuk M. V., Fenyak P. P. Design of thermoelectric permeable structures based on Mg and Mn silicides. - C. 58-65.
- Anatychuk L. I., Havrylyuk M. V., Lysko V. V., Senyuk Yu. I. Measurement of thermoelectric properties of materials at high temperatures. - C. 66-71.
- Anatychuk L. I., Barabash P. A., Rifert V. G., Rozver Yu. Yu., Usenko V. I., Cherkez R. G. Thermoelectric heat pump as a means of improving efficiency of water purification systems on space missions. - C. 72-86.
- Moskalyk I. A., Manyk O. M. On the use of thermoelectric cooling in cryodestruction practice. - C. 77-84.
- Jeff Snyder (dedicated to 45-th birthday). - C. 87.
- Marlow R.. - C. 88.