Journal of thermoelectricity. 2014 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of thermoelectricity 2014. Вип. 4 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Snarskii A. A., Bezsudnov I. V. Thermoelectric device in periodic steady state. - C. 5-23.
- Haluschak M. O., Krynytsky O. S., Freik D. M. Тhermoelectricity of solid solutions based on lead telluride. - C. 24-39.
- Romaka V. A., Rogl P., Stadnyk Yu. V., Romaka L. P., Korzh R. O., Kaczorowski D., Krayovskyy V. Ya., Kovbasyuk T. M. Peculiarities of structural, energy and kinetic characreristics of VFe1-хTixSb thermoelectric material. - C. 40-49.
- Sanduleac I. I. Thermoelectric power factor of TTT2I3 quasi-one-dimensional crystals in the 3D physical model. - C. 50-56.
- Arakelov G. A. Some problems of thermoelectric thermal stabilization of microbolometric arrays of infrared ranges. - C. 57-60.
- Lobunets Yu. M. The application potential of thermoelectricity in power engineering. - C. 61-65.
- Anatychuk L. I., Kobylianskyi R. R. Increase in thermal generator efficiency with the use of human thermal energy in dynamic modes. - C. 66-75.
- Anatychuk L. I., Kuz R. V. Effect of air cooling on the efficiency of sectional thermoelectric generator in a car with a diesel engine. - C. 76-82.
- Anatychuk L. I., Lysko V. V. Methods for assuring high quality electric and thermal contacts when measuring parameters of thermoelectric materials. - C. 83-90.
- John Stockholm (Dedicated to 80th anniversary). - C. 93.
- Andriy Olehovych Teut (Dedicated to 60th anniversary). - C. 94.