Journal of thermoelectricity. 2014 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of thermoelectricity 2014. Вип. 6 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Kruglyak Yu. A. Electric current, thermocurrent, and heat flux in nano- and microelectronics: transport model. - C. 7-25.
- Kruglyak Yu. A. Electric current, thermocurrent, and heat flux In nano-and microelectronics:selected topics. - C. 26-41.
- Rogacheva E. I., Budnik A. V., Vodorez O. S., Dobrotvorskaya M. V. The effect of deviation from stoichiometry on thermoelectric and mechanical properties of Bi2Te3. - C. 42-51.
- Menshikova S. I., Rogacheva E. I., Sipatov A. Yu., Mateichenko P. V., Dobrotvorskaya M. V. Dependences of thermoelectric properties on the thickness of thin films of indium doped lead telluride. - C. 52-61.
- Lobunets Yu. M. Heat exchange-type TEG for marine propulsion plants. Part ІІ.. - C. 62-69.
- Anatychuk L. I., Kuz R. V., Prybyla A. V. Efficiency improvement of sectional thermoelectric heat recuperators. - C. 70-80.
- 16 International Forum on thermoelectricity. - C. 83.