Journal of thermoelectricity. 2015 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of thermoelectricity 2015. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Gorskyi P. V. On the conditions of high figure of merit and methods of search for promising superlattice thermoelectric materials. - C. 5-12.
- Freik D. M., Dzundza B. S., Kostyuk O. B., Makovishin V. I. Thermoelectric properties of thin films based on stibium-doped tin telluride. - C. 13-17.
- Mykhailovsky V. Ya. , Maksimuk M. V. Automobile operating conditions at low temperatures. The necessity of applying heaters and the rationality of using thermal generators for their work. - C. 18-27.
- Anatychuk L. I., Pasechnikova N. V., Zadorozhnyi O. S., Kobylyanskii R. R., Havrylyuk M. V., Nazaretyan R. E., Mirnenko V. V. Thermoelectric device for measurement of intraocular temperature. - C. 28-37.
- Filin S. O., Jasinska B. Economical transport thermoelectric refrigerators with two-level temperature control: the experience of creation and test results. - C. 38-44.
- Ismailov T. A., Khulamagomedova Z. A. Neonatal intensive care complex based on thermoelectric power converters. - C. 45-51.
- Аnatychuk L. I., Kobylyanskyi R. R., Denisensko O. I., Kadenyuk T. Ya. On the use of thermoelectric cooling in dermatology and cosmetology. - C. 52-65.
- Ismailov T. A., Kazumov R. Sh., Ramazanova D. K. Thermoelectric recuperative-type heat exchange apparatus with thermal bridges. - C. 66-75.
- Khazamova M. A., Yusufov Sh. A. Thermoelectric system of contrast thermal effect on the reflexogenic zones of human foot. - C. 76-84.
- Bulat L. P., Fedorov M. I. International laboratory "Direct energy conversion and nanoengineering of thermoelectric structures". - C. 87-88.
- Bulat L. P., Fedorov M. I., Novotelnova A. V. Master’s program "Thermoelectric energy conversion" at itmo university. - C. 89-90.