Вестник зоологии. 2016, 50 (5) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Вестник зоологии 2016. Вип. 5 |
- Title, contents.
- Kudrenko S. A. Amphipod (Crustacea, Amphipoda) Communities in the North-Western Part of the Black Sea. - C. 387–394.
- Radchenko A. G., Dlussky G. M. Further Data on the Extinct Ant Genus Eocenomyrma (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). - C. 395–406.
- Guglya Yu. A. Four New Species of the Genus Melanagromyza (Diptera, Agromyzidae) from Ukraine. - C. 407–414.
- Šoster A., Kovalchuk О. М. Late Neogene and Pleistocene Porgy Fishes (Teleostei, Sparidae) of the Eastern Paratethys, with Comments on their Palaeoecology. - C. 415–422.
- Kokodiy S. V. Breeding Potential of Adventitious Species of Carassius auratus and Carassius gibelio (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) in Water Bodies of Ukraine. - C. 423–428.
- Chernichko I. I., Kostiushyn V. A., Vinokurova S. V. Importance of Utliukskiy Liman for the Protection of Waterbirds in the Azov-Black Sea Region During Autumn Migration. - C. 429–446.
- Ghosh S. K., Chakrabarti P. Histological, Topographical and Ultrastructural Organization of Different Cells Lining the Olfactory Epithelium of Red Piranha, Pygocentrus nattereri (Characiformes, Serrasalmidae). - C. 447–456.
- Goodarzi N., Azarhoosh M. Morphological Study of the Brandt’s Hedgehog, Paraechinus hypomelas (Eulipotyphla, Erinaceidae), Tongue. - C. 457–466.
- Mamedova V. F., Alekperov I. Kh. The Use of Ciliates (Cliliophora) for Bioassay of the Toxicity of Insecticides. - C. 467–470.