Вестник зоологии. 2016, 50 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Вестник зоологии 2016. Вип. 6 |
- Title, contents.
- Foreword for the 50th Anniversary Issue of Vestnik Zoologii. - C. 475–476.
- Shevchenko V. L., Zhylina T. M. Taxonomic Structure of Nematode Communities of Epiphytic Mosses in Green Plantations of Chernihiv, Ukraine. - C. 477–482.
- Fedun О. М., Davydenko І. V. Ornithological Fauna of the Waste Water Treatment Plants in the Northern Left -Bank Ukraine (Chernihiv and Kyiv Regions): Winter Populations and Ecological Structure. - C. 483–492.
- Chaplygina А. В., Yuzyk D. I., Savynska N. O. The Robin, Erithacus rubecula (Passeriformes, Turdidae), as a Component of Heterotrophic Consortia of Forest Cenoses, Northeast Ukraine. Part 2. - C. 493–502.
- Barkasi Z. New Details of the Eurasian Beaver's, Castor fiber (Ropdentia, Castoridae), Expansion in the Lowland Part of Transcarpathia, Ukraine. - C. 503–510.
- Kaliuzhna M. O. Review of Metanotal Sculpture of Aphidiine Wasps (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae). - C. 511–516.
- Dolinskaya I. V. Key to the Species of Ukrainian Notodontid Moths (Lepidoptera, Notodontidae) on the Egg Characters. - C. 517–532.
- Manilo L. G., Peskov V. M. Comparative Morphometric Analysis of Small-Scaled Scorpionfish, Scorpaena porcus (Scorpaenidae, Scorpaeniformes), from the Southern Coast of the Crimea and Eastern Part of the Adriatic Sea. - C. 533–538.
- Klimenko M. O., Biedunkova O. O. Development Stability and Cytogenetic Homeostasis of Perca fluviatilis (Persiformes, Persidae) in the Rivers of Rivne Region. - C. 539–546.
- Akulenko N. M. Peculiar Features of Hematopoiesis in the Liver of Mature and Immature Green Frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex). - C. 547–552.
- Stadnychenko A., Yanovytch L., Melnychenko R. V. International Scientific Malacological Conference "Mollusks: results, problems, and perspectives of research”. - C. 553–554.