Вестник зоологии. 2014, 48 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Вестник зоологии 2014. Вип. 2 |
- Титул, содержание.
- Mezhzherin S. V., Yanovich L. M., Zhalay E. I., Vasilieva L. A., Pampura M. M. Genetic and Morphological Variability and Differentiation of Freshwater Mussels (Bivavia, Unionidae, Anodontinae) in Ukraine. - C. 99-110.
- Korneyev V. A. Pyrgotid Flies assigned to Apyrgota. I. New Species and Synonyms in Eupyrgota (s. str.) (Diptera, Pyrgotidae), with Description of a New Subgenus. - C. 111-128.
- Kovalchuk O. M. A Bony Fishes from the Late Miocene and Pliocene Strata of Popovo Locality (Ukraine): Taxonomic Changes and Their Palaeoecological Explanation. - C. 129-136.
- Pavlova V. V. The Study of Age-Related Variability of Pigmentation Patterns of the Shells Dreissena polymorpha (Bivavia, Dreissenidae) from Different Parts of it’s Range. - C. 137-148.
- Movchan Yu. V., Talabishka E. M., Velikopolskiy I. J. Fishes of the Genus Ameiurus (Ictaluridae, Siluriformes) in the Transcarpathian Water Bodies. - C. 149-156.
- Steklenev E. P. Morphologcal and Physiological Characteristics of Reproduction of the Stone Marten, Martesfoina (Mammalia, Carnivora), in the Steppe Zone of the South of Ukraine. - C. 157-166.
- Maslov S. I. A Redescription of Pontoppidaniapontica (Acari, Astigmati- na, Acaridae) Inhabiting Algal Debris on Seashores of Black and Azov Seas of Crimea, Ukraine. - C. 167-172.
- Shevchenko O. S., Kolodochka L. A. Species Composition and Distribution of Oribatids (Acari, Oribatei) in Urbanized Biotopes of Kyiv. - C. 173-178.
- Glotov S. V. New Species, New Synonym, and Additional Records of Gyrophaena (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) from the Palaearctic Region. - C. 179-184.
- Fateryga A. V., Protsenko Yu. V., Zhidkov V. Yu. Isodontia mexicana (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), a New Invasive Wasp Species in the Fauna of Ukraine Reared from Trap-Nests in the Crimea. - C. 185-188.
- Notes. - C. 189-190.