Вестник зоологии. 2014, 48 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Вестник зоологии 2014. Вип. 3 |
- Титул, содержание.
- Gubin A. I., Sigareva D. D. Species Composition and Structure of the Communities of Plant-Parasitic and Free-Living Soil Nematodes in the Greenhouses of Botanical Gardens of Ukraine. - C. 195-202.
- Yakovlev Ye. B., Kharchenko V. A., Mracek Z. Findings of Entomopathogenic Nematodes (Rhabditida, Steinernematidae) in Nature Reserves in Ukraine. - C. 203-210.
- Korneyev V. A. Pyrgotid Flies Assigned to Apyrgota. II. New Synonyms in Eupyrgota (subgenus Taeniomastix) (Diptera, Pyrgotidae), with Key to Subgenera and Species. - C. 211-220.
- Lyons E. T., Kuzmina T. A., Carie J. L., Tolliver S. C., Spraker T. R. Prevalence of Hookworms, Uncinaria lucasi (Ancylostomatidae) in Northern Fur Seals (Callorhinus ursinus) on St. Paul Island, Alaska. - C. 221-230.
- Drobiniak O., Kutsokon Yu., Kvach Yu. Trichodinids (Ciliophora, Peritrichia) ofPerccottusglenii (Actinopterygii, Odontobutidae) in Three Ukrainian Rivers. - C. 231-238.
- Broshko Ye. O. Variability of Structural and Biomechanical Prameters of Pelophylax esculentus (Amphibia, Anura) Limb Bones. - C. 239-248.
- Bogdanovich I. A. Morphoecological Peculiarities of Pelvis in Several Genera of Rails with Some Notes on Systematic Position of the Coot (Fulica atra, Rallidae, Gruiformes). - C. 249-254.
- Koretsky I. A., Rahmat S. J., Peters N. Remarks on Correlations and Implications of the Mandibular Structure and Diet in Some Seals (Mammalia, Phocidae). - C. 255-268.
- Saparov K. A., Akramova F. D., Azimov D. A., Golovanov V. I. Study of Biology, Morphology and Taxonomy of the Nematode Stephanofilaria assamensis (Filariina, Stephanofilariidae). - C. 269-274.
- Khaghaninia S., Gharajedaghi Ya. A New Species of Chyliza (Diptera, Psilidae) from Iran. - C. 275-280.
- Zerova M. D., Seryogina L. Ya. A New Species of the Genus Ormyrus (Hymenoptera, Ormyridae) from the Steppe Zone of Ukraine. - C. 281-283.
- Notes. - C. 285-286.