Economic annals-XXI. 2017 (165) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Economic annals-XXI 2017. Вип. 165 |
- Title, contents.
- Ponomarenko V., Gontareva I. The system of causal connections between entrepreneurial activity and economic development. - C. 4-7.
- Shyian D., Ulianchenko N. The role of economic agents’ expectations in the formation of economic cycle: on the example of USA. - C. 8-12.
- Labunska S., Petrova M., Prokopishyna O. Asset and cost management for innovation activity. - C. 13-18.
- Lepeyko T., Batkhuu G. Asian leadership model: a case of Mongolia. - C. 19-22.
- Sandal J.-U. How innovation maintains and develops democracy. - C. 23-26.
- Pasechko L., Sapronov A. Poverty in Russia: theoretical and methodological issues of research. - C. 27-30.
- Zhuravlyova I., Berest M., Poltinina O., Lelyuk S. Detection of financial risks at macro-, mezo- and microlevels of economy. - C. 31-35.
- Mahmood H., Alkhateeb T. T. Y., Ahmad N. Impact of devaluation on service sector exports in Saudi Arabia: non-linear ARDL approach. - C. 36-40.
- Gavkalova N., Kolupaieva I., Barka Z. M. nalysis of the efficiency of levers in the context of implementation of the state regulatory policy. - C. 41-46.
- Lipkova L., Gress M., Poncarova A. Tax systems in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic: comparison with an emphasis on income tax. - C. 47-51.
- Gerasymenko A., Borovyk Iu., Afendikova S. The methodology of competition assessment. - C. 52-55.
- Koniordos M., Matvienko-Bilyaeva G., Strapchuk S. Strategic scenario of an open source of sustainable development for the food system. - C. 56-59.
- Dikan L., Deineko Ye., Kalinkin D. Public internal financial control reforming in Ukraine: conceptual foundations and practices. - C. 60-65.
- Martynenko M., Menshykov O. Development of organisational knowledge system in the structure of vocational education. - C. 66-70.
- Wackowski K., Blyznyuk T. Modern Ukrainian and Polish business cultures: G. Hofstede’s classification. - C. 71-74.
- Pylypenko А., Lytvynenko А. Institutional and architectural design of organisational development of large-scale economic and industrial systems. - C. 75-79.
- Grуnko T., Gviniashvili T. Organisational and economic mechanism of business entities’ innovative development management. - C. 80-83.
- Aranchiy V., Makhmudov H., Yasnolob I., Radionova Ya. Conceptual foundations of the organisation of innovative activities at agro-industrial enterprise based on outsourcing and The Business Process Model and Notation program. - C. 84-89.
- Malyarets L., Draskovic M., Babenko V., Kochuyeva Z., Dorokhov O. Theory and practice of controlling at enterprises in international business. - C. 90-96.
- Nenkov N., Sushchenko O., Dyachenko Yu. Role of chief information officer within the system of human resource development in service organizations (tourism). - C. 97-103.
- Nardіеllo G. G., Naumіk-Gladka K., Ptashchеnko O., Malіukіna A. Economіc dеvеlopmеnt based on international enterpreneurship and business tourism. - C. 104-109.
- Grimov O. The potential of network Internet technologies in the field of management. - C. 110-113.
- Pushkar O., Kurbatova Yu., Druhova O. Innovative methods of managing consumer behaviour in the economy of impressions, or the experience economy. - C. 114-118.
- Pilik M., Juřičková E., Kwarteng M. A. On-line shopping behaviour in the Czech Republic under the digital transformation of economy. - C. 119-123.
- Závadský J., Šatanová A., Hvizdová E. Public relations management in the Internet environment. - C. 124-127.
- Hoa D. T. P., Khoi N. V. Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises: legal and economic issues of development at modern stage. - C. 128-132.
- Šugrová M., Šedík P., Kubelaková A., Svetlíková V. Impact of the product quality on consumer satisfaction and corporate brand. - C. 133-137.
- Lysytsia N., Prytychenko T., Gron O. Vectors of promotion of economic educational services in Ukraine. - C. 138-142.
- Linh D. H., Anh T. V. Impact of stakeholders on the performance of green banking products and services: The case of Vietnamese banks. - C. 143-151.
- Pukała R., Vnukova N., Achkasova S., Smoliak V. Improvement of the methodology for assessing the capital adequacy to cover the reinsurance default risk. - C. 152-156.