Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. 2017, 8 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні 2017. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Haliarnyk D. М., Demianenko E. M., Bakalinska O. M., Kulyk Т. V., Palyanytsya B. B., Grebenyuk A. G., Kuts V. S., Kartel M. T. Benzoyl peroxide decomposition on the surface of carbon materials on the base of activated carbon KAU. - C. 357-368.
- Ihnatiuk D. V., Smirnova N. P., Linnik O. P. Nonporous platinum doped titania films: synthesis, optical and photocatalytic characteristics. - C. 369-375.
- Oranska O. I., Gornikov Yu. I., Brichka A. V., Makhno S. M. Low-temperature formation of apatite structure of neodymium silicate in silica matrix. - C. 376-383.
- Galysh V. V., Kartel M. T., Janusz W., Skwarek E., Nikolaichuk A. A. Sorption of strontium on the composite sorbent based on cellulose and hydrated antimony pentoxide. - C. 384-392.
- Lisova О. М., Маkhno S. М., Gunya G. М., Gorbyk P. P. Synthesis of the composites of graphene nanoplatelets/(Ni-Co) and their properties. - C. 393-399.
- Yanovska A. A., Bolshanina S. B., Stanislavov A. S., Kuznetsov V. N., Mospan A. B., Illiashenko V. Yu., Rogulsky Yu. V., Trofimenko Ya. V., Danilchenko S. N. Synthesis and characterization of copper-loaded hydroxyapatite-alginate microspheres. - C. 400-409.
- Kalinkevich O. V., Karpenko O. Yu., Trofimenko Ya. V., Sklyar A. M., Illiashenko V. Yu., Kalinkevich A. N., Baturin V. A., Danilchenko S. N. Formation of antibacterial coatings on chitosan matrices by magnetron sputtering. - C. 410-415.
- Мykhailenko О. V., Prylutskyy Yu. I., Komarov І. V., Strungar А. V., Мykhailenko О. O. Double-layer silicene-based carcerands: molecular containers for unstable compounds. - C. 416-421.
- Sydorchuk V. V., Khalameida S. V., Poddubnaya O. I., Tsyba M. M., Puziy A. M. Cation-containing active carbons as photocatalysts for dyes degradation. - C. 422-431.
- Prokopenko S. L., Gunya G. M., Makhno S. M., Gorbyk P. P. Room-temperature gas sensor based on semiconductor nanoscale heterostructures ZnS/CdS. - C. 432-438.
- Soldatkina L. M., Novotna V. O. Adsorption removal of anthocyanins from red cabbage extracts by bentonite: statistical analysis of main and interaction effects. - C. 439-447.
- Malovanyy S. M., Panov E. V., Genkina E. A., Galaguz V. A., Glushchak T. S. Synthesis and properties of nanoparticles based on С/Fe3O4, С/Fe3-xCrxO4, С/Li0.5Fe1.5CrO4 – anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. - C. 448-454.