Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics. 2012, 2 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics 2012. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Table of contents.
- Sudnik N. P. Smooth time variation spectra as a tool to study line profile variability in spectra of hot stars. - C. 5-8.
- Breus V. V., Andronov I. L., Hegedus T., Dubovsky P. A., Kudzej I. Two-period variability of the intermediate polar FO Aqr. - C. 9-10.
- Punanova A. F., Loktin A. V., Krushinsky V. V., Popov A. A. CCD VRI photometry of the old open cluster NGC 7142. - C. 11-14.
- Kuznetsov M. K., Pavlenko Ya. V., Jones H. R. A., Pinfield D. J. Spectral investigations of CM Draconis - new results. - C. 15-16.
- Polinovskyi G., Pavlenko Ya. V., Tennyson J., Yurchenko S. N., Barber R. J. Ammonia molecule and its applications in astrophysics. - C. 17-19.
- Malygin M. G., Pavlenko Ya. V., Jenkins J. S., Jones H. R. A., Ivanyuk O. M., Pinfield D. J. Determination of atomic abundances of solar-type stars. - C. 20-22.
- Chulkov D. A., Trushin D. I. On statistical distributions of wide binary stars. - C. 23-24.
- Isaeva A. A. On the selection effects in catalogues of binary stars. - C. 25-27.
- Malov I. F., Nikitina E. B. On the structure of pulsar magnetospheres. - C. 28-30.
- Wszolek B. Spectroscopic families among diffuse interstellar bands. - C. 31-33.
- Kuzmicz A., Wszolek B. Interstellar spectral features and telluric absorption lines. - C. 34-35.
- Debudej A., Kusiak S., Ozga J., Wszolek B. Diffuse interstellar bands towards omicron Per and ksi Per. - C. 36-38.
- Karnaushenko A. V. Analytical solution of Kompaneets equation. - C. 39-41.
- Dobrycheva D., Melnyk O. Criteria for galaxy classification in SDSS. - C. 42-44.
- Kapanadze B. Z. X-ray selected BL Lacertae objects: catalogue and statistical properties. - C. 45-48.
- Mykhailova M. S. X-ray and radio emission of kiloparsec jets at large redshifts. - C. 49-52.
- Del Popolo A. On the non universality of surface density of galaxies. - C. 53-55.
- Babyk Iu., Melnyk O., Elyiv A. The distribution of dark matter and intracluster gas in galaxy clusters. - C. 56-59.
- Kazimierczak T. A. The shape and the size of the Universe according to the Poincaré dodecahedral space hypothesis. - C. 60-62.
- Lovyagin N. Yu. Project of program package for exploring of cosmological fractals. - C. 63-66.
- Šmída R. Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory. - C. 67-72.
- Sushchov O. B., Kobzar O. O., Hnatyk B. I., Marchenko V. V. Centaurus A as a plausible source of ultra high energy cosmic rays registered by the Pierre Auger Observatory. - C. 73-75.
- Boiko A. I., Melnik V. N., Konovalenko A. A., Abranin E. P., Dorovskyy V. V., Rucker H. O. Decametric radio bursts associated with the 13 July 2004 CME event at frequencies 10--30 MHz. - C. 76-78.
- Andrienko J., Reshetnyk V. Electronic catalogue of the cometary physical characteristics. - C. 79-81.
- Zotov L. V. Application of multichannel singular spectrum analysis to geophysical fields and astronomical images. - C. 82-84.
- Prokhorenkov A. S., Choliy V. Ya. Parametric modeling of global TEC fields. - C. 85-87.
- Mikhailova O. S., Klimushkin D. Yu., Mager P. N. Pc1-pulsations: the parallel structure in the magnetosphere plasma with the admixture of the heavy ion. - C. 88-90.
- Chelpanov M. A., Zolotukhina N. A. Similarities and differences between heliosphere-geosphere couplings associated with the short and long lived subauroral ionospheric storms: November 2004, F2 region, North East Asia. - C. 91-94.
- Saliuk D. A., Agapitov O., Milinevsky G. P. Magnetized Rossby waves in mid-latitude ionosphere F-layer. - C. 95-98.
- Voshchepynets A., Agapitov O. Trapped fast MGD waves in dayside magnetosphere. - C. 99-102.
- Cheremnykh S. O., Agapitov O. MHD waves in the plasma system with dipole magnetic field configuration. - C. 103-106.